Top 3 Thursday – Edition #45 – Online Bible Studies

Top 3 Thursday

I’ve completed quite a few online Bible studies over the past few years. I thought I’ll document them here on the blog should any of you be interested in them, as well.

The beauty of an online Bible study is that I don’t have to go somewhere to do it – I can follow the given plan right from the comfort of my own home. And that’s another benefit – that somebody else already plans out the portion of Scripture to be read each day.

Without dragging it on any further, let me list down 3 of my favorites.

1. Good Morning Girls

Good Morning Girls

I discovered Good Morning Girls (GMG) way back in September 2011, and I’ve done every one of their studies since then. I simply love their free reading plans and study guides. I also have to mention that the ladies behind this site are just ordinary women like you and me… but they love an extraordinary God, and give their all to serve Him.

You can check out all the times I’ve raved about GMG here. I am SO stoked about their new #YouAreLoved study that begins Monday! Come join us?!

2. Time-Warp Wife

In between my GMG studies, I’ve also done a couple of life application Bible studies written by Darlene Schacht. Her Ruth and Esther studies have been very insightful, and I’m hoping to dive into Philippians too in the near future. All 3 Bible studies are available free for Facebook fans of Time-Warp Wife.

3. Hello Mornings

I’ve also completed a couple of studies with Hello Mornings in the past. I just checked their schedule and found they have a new study beginning next month. They also provide accountability groups to help you make the most of your mornings with quiet time, planning your day, and exercise.

God, Plan, Move

So, have you tried out any online Bible studies? Which is your favorite?


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Book Review: The Nesting Place

Book Review: The Nesting Place

I must begin this review with a disclaimer that I am definitely not the decorator kind. I’ll take practical over pretty any day, and that applies to a variety of things in my life – ranging from clothing to home decor. So, the only reason I picked up this book was because (a) the author a popular blogger, and (b) I was bored of how our < 1000 sq.ft. rental apartment looked.

Now on to the review!

The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful by Myquillyn Smith was a surprising read for this non-creative, reluctant homemaker. The fact that the author had moved 13 times (to mostly rental homes) and still managed to make her living space look beautiful gave me some hope.

The book is filled with lovely color photos of the author’s home (which looks real & lived in… not like a museum, by the way). And the author’s advice to take risks with home decor (even in a rental home) was very liberating.

Here’s a quote from the book that I’ll be applying in more areas than just my home:

“At times, good enough and done is a smarter choice than perfect, and simply making a choice is often a sign of maturity, balance, and contentment.”

This is not just a home decorating book. It does not just have lovely pictures of the author’s home. It does not just give you practical ideas to make the most of what you have.

This book taught me contentment, allowing me to appreciate my dwelling place. And above all, it gave me hope that I too can make my home look beautiful, even with its imperfections.

I never put much effort into decorating our home because it was a rental. Coincidentally, while I was reading this book, my husband and I were also thinking of changing the look of our living room. We had a huge entertainment center right in the middle of our living room that housed our television, DVD player, music system, photo frames, books, medals, and a variety of knickknacks.


The only problem was that it occupied a large central portion of our living room, and all the other furniture was ‘bowing down’ to the TV. My husband had this crazy idea to saw off a part of the shelving and push the rest of it to a corner of the room.

I usually don’t take much action on crazy ideas, but The Nesting Place kind of gave me the courage to try something new. I had another wild idea (to add to my husband’s)… I suggested we take the sawed off portion of the shelving, remove the glass dividers and lay it down horizontally in the kids’ room – to hold their books, blocks, puzzles and stationery.

So that’s what we did!


The top half of the picture is our current entertainment center, pushed to a side of the living room. Our TV is no longer the center of attention. The couches (and the people sitting on them are). And there is more breathing space in the living room, making it appear much larger than it is.

The bottom half of the after picture, is the shelf laid down on it’s side in our kids’ room. All their stuff is now relegated to one corner of the room. Score!

So happy we took the risk and sawed up our entertainment center to make our living space look & feel better. Thank you Nester! 🙂

Disclosure: I received a free Kindle version of this book from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.


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Counting My Blessings: 1531 to 1540

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started. Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1531. Vacation Bible School – mind blowing awesome!

1532. Volunteers who rushed Jason to first aid when he got badly bruised.

1533. And the courage Jason displayed when the wound was being cleaned up.

1534. The little bird that pecks on our window glass in the mornings.

1535. Donuts!

1536. Green marbles for the kids to play with.

1537. Mall shopping with friends.

1538. A helicopter made of modeling clay.

1539. A new writing opportunity.

1540. The VBS songs playing on repeat – at home & in the car.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #44


Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. 5 Toxic Marriage Habits @ Time-Warp Wife {I’ve been guilty of all these, at some point or the other in my married life.}

2. How to Stop Sibling Fighting @ I Can Teach My Child {A good tool to use when my boys bicker over silly things.}

3. To Build (or Break) a Child’s Spirit @ Hands Free Mama {This one hit a little too close to home. Must read!}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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Did You Experience a God Sighting Today?

Did you experience a God sighting today?

It’s VBS week in our church, and we’ve finally been able to enroll our kids in the VBS. While we do have to spend half the day there with them, it’s well worth it to see them learning about God’s love with loads of games and activities. And to top it all, it’s sharpening their social skills too!

Well, one thing that caught my attention was a tit-bit on God sightings. A God sighting is, as I learnt, something that is undeniably God’s handiwork.

The beauty of nature.

An answered prayer.

A personal encounter with God.

An unexpected miracle.

A God-orchestrated coincidence.

The VBS volunteers encouraged the kids to write down their God sightings and stick it on a poster board. And wouldn’t you know it… by the end of the first day, the entire board was covered with stickers! And the number of God sightings only increased on the second and third day, as more kids looked out for them.

This made me wonder… how often do we recognize God’s handiwork in our lives? I started counting my blessings, so I wouldn’t miss out on the simple things I’m grateful for… but so many more slip through my mind before I can jot them down.

I want to encourage you today… keep your eyes open for a God sighting. And when you do… you’ll start seeing God’s hand even in the midst of your everyday mundane.

Did you experience a God sighting today?

Write it down… Share it with us…

And keep adding to it as the days go by.


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Counting My Blessings: 1521 to 1530

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1521. The trio tagging along behind me at home – all day long!

1522. The realization that I have only about 12 summers with them before they’re off to college.

1523. A much needed pair of brand new spectacles.

1524. Vanilla ice-cream with chocolate banana cake.

1525. Judah’s eagerness to sweep the house.

1526. My first taste of mangoes this summer.

1527. A surprise birthday party for a friend.

1528. Sons who fight over who gets to clean the kitchen counters 🙂 .

1529. Hearing Jon explain how Jesus took our punishment on the cross.

1530. Older kids in VBS who watch out for my little ones.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #43

Top 3 Thursday

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. 3 Things I’ve Learned About Pain {Motherhood and Miscarriage} @ A Little R & R {Beautiful thoughts birthed through pain}

2. Motherhood: I’m Gonna Savor It @ 10 Million Miles {I know the little years are tough, but this is exactly what we need to do}

3. The Simple Cook @ For The Family {Wise advice I’m taking to heart}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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I don’t remember where I heard it first… this full-form of J.O.Y.

J – Jesus First
O – Others Next
Y – Yourself Last

I spent years moving loved ones (and beloved things) down my list, giving God His rightful place in my life. You ask me to name my top 3 priorities, and I will say without hesitation – Jesus, my husband, my kids.

When it comes to marriage and parenting, yes, you should consider your family’s needs above your own. You die to yourself, give up your wants, sacrifice your desires, to satisfy the needs of your husband or kids.

You might:

  • Get up early and make a cup of coffee for your husband when you really want to sleep in.
  • Give up your portion of the chocolate cake for the kids.
  • Make do without a new outfit, so the kids can have something they like.

But I have since learnt that there is a flip side to this. Putting others’ needs above your own could be detrimental to your sanity at times. At some point, you will have to give yourself some attention lest you get dejected. A friend was telling me the other day, how she mothers better when she takes some time to pamper herself. While it may not always be possible, it’s worth trying to carve out a little time for yourself.

Have you heard the analogy of an oxygen mask in an aeroplane? If there is a disturbance, the stewards instruct you to put on your oxygen mask first, before you help someone else with theirs. You’ll be of no help if you’re passed out for lack of oxygen.

Unless you take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of everyone else in your family. You need to take timely breaks in your day/week/month/year to relax and refresh your body, mind and spirit.

Sleep in once a week.

Quiet your soul with prayer.

Go for a walk.

Read a book.

Eat some ice-cream! 😉

Let Jesus be first in your life, your husband and kids next, but take time to do whatever makes you happy once in a while.

Oh and in other facets of your life… please put yourself above others. All the more if you veer on the side of people-pleasing and obsessing about what others may think! Yes, your extended relationships, career and ministry are important – but they are not as important as you are… especially because your family is counting on you!

So, jot down a list of things you like to do… and carve out some time to actually do some of them!


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Counting My Blessings: 1511 to 1520

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1511. A good night’s sleep – so essential!

1512. The boys learning to fly their toy helicopter.

1513. Watching videos of the boys when they were toddlers.

1514. Finding Jason’s missing Transformer.

1515. Free eBooks.

1516. Watching a super bike show with the family.

1517. And being surrounded by a dozen super bikes on our way back home!

1518. The boys’ first toy train ride.

1519. Yummy Andhra chicken cooked by a friend’s mom.

1520. The prayer, “Lord, please feel free to show off at my expense”.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #42

Top 3 Thursday

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. We Are All Just Donkeys @ Women Living Well {A beautiful & humbling lesson we can learn from the donkey who carried Jesus}

2. 1 Corinthians 13 For Moms @ Money Saving Mom {This brought a lot of things into perspective for me.}

3. My Rickety Fence @ Smockity Frocks {How a rickety fence is so much like our lives…}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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