Counting My Blessings: 929 to 949
Every week, I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for. Join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?
A Gift Stitched, Hammered, Woven
929. A sandal.
930. The dining table.
931. My stash of sarees.
3 Gifts found Outside
932. Fluffy white clouds.
933. A bright blue sky.
934. A chilly breeze.
A Gift at 11:30AM, 2:30PM, 6:30PM
935. Ironing my husband’s shirts.
936. The family together at lunchtime.
937. Winding up homework with the kids.
A Gift Broken, Fixed, Thrifted
938. A heart.
939. A broken heart.
940. A past redeemed, made new in Christ.
3 Surprise Gifts – Unexpected Grace!
941. A day spent relaxing with no agenda.
942. The boys playing together after a cranky morning.
943. Encouragement from the Bible.
3 Times you heard Laughter Today
944. Laughing out loud with my husband in the car.
945. Laughing at Jason’s witty remarks.
946. The boys squealing as they played with their father.
3 Gifts in Working
947. Serving others.
948. The satisfaction of getting things done.
949. Less things left to be done.
Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?
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Counting My Blessings: 929 to 949 Read More »