Counting My Blessings: 908 to 928


Every week, I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for. Join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

A Song Heard, a Soft Word, Light Seen

908. Worship in a family’s new home.
909. A word of encouragement and blessing from our pastor.
910. A view of the city lights from a massive balcony.

3 Old things Seen New

911. Old journal entries.
912. The boys’ dimples.
913. The stars hanging in our living room.

A Gift on a Paper, in a Person, in a Picture

914. My grocery list.
915. My husband’s generosity.
916. The image in this post.

3 Gifts Red

917. 3 toy keyboards.
918. A shirt, gifted by a sweet friend.
919. A school bag.

3 Gifts on Paper

920. Baptism certificates.
921. Fee receipts.
922. My weekly goals.

3 Gifts found in Writing

923. Therapeutic help.
924. Encouragement for a later day.
925. Remembering God’s unfading love.

3 Gifts found when Bent Down

926. 3 pairs of shoes that needed to be laced up.
927. A sticky mess in the kitchen.
928. Peace for a troubled soul.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

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