5 Life Lessons I Learnt on Vacation

5 Life Lessons I Learnt on Vacation

We visited Darjeeling as a family earlier this month… It had been 7 years since our last real vacation, so this was a long-anticipated break from our daily grind.

I encountered quite a few random ‘aha’ moments on our trip – some deep, some superficial. I’m memorializing them here to remind myself… And perhaps, some of these life lessons might resonate with you as well.

1. The ability to worship is a gift

We missed Sunday service in our church because we were up on the mountains. Before we left for the day’s activities, we tuned in to our online service so we could join in worship.

One of the songs we sang was “A Thousand Hallelujahs” – a personal favorite. As I sang the first stanza along with the worship leader, the lyrics struck me afresh.

There I was, looking out our homestay window at the towering pines and misty mountains, and I realized… Creation doesn’t have the words to praise their Creator, but I do!

I recognized what a privilege it is to praise God with our words, our emotions, our whole being. And also, songwriters who give us meaningful words to praise the Lord are such a blessing!

2. Fresh air truly does wonders

The air up in the mountains is really so much cleaner. For someone who’s long got used to the dust and pollution of city life, it literally was a breath of fresh air!

My body automatically followed a new circadian rhythm – going to bed early, waking up at first light, and sleeping through the night! My mind was clearer, my food cravings were noticeably lesser, and I physically felt so much better.

While we can’t always traipse up a mountain in search of fresh air, we can step outside early in the morning, late at night, or after a good downpour, and catch a breath of (hopefully) dust-free air.

3. God orchestrates the best surprises

Surprise #1:

We knew we would pass by the Nepal border on our way to Darjeeling. Our cab driver showed us the checkpoint and asked us if we’d like to visit, but we didn’t think it would be possible since we didn’t have our passports with us.

But what do you know, our Aadhar cards were enough! We got to step into Nepal, take a few pictures, buy a souvenir, and get back to India after “visiting” another country!

Surprise #2:

The boys were keen on visiting a pine tree forest in Lepcha Jagat (as recommended by their friend) but it wasn’t on our agenda. When the driver overheard us talking about it, he told us it was enroute to Darjeeling and stopped there for us.

We went on a short impromptu trek, took some great pictures, gorged on momos, and continued the drive with our hearts (and stomachs) full!

Surprise #3:

It was spring season in Darjeeling, so we got to see the azaleas in full bloom and flowers everywhere – from the smallest shanty to largest garden. The sheer variety of flowers in vibrant colors made even an ordinary drive a beautiful experience.

This isn’t the first time God has orchestrated something delightful out of the blue, so I know enough to credit God for the seemingly ordinary coincidences!

4. It’s ok to feel disappointed

One of the main draws of our homestay was that our windows would overlook the Kanchenjunga at a distance. It just so happened that for the duration of our stay, it was so misty that we couldn’t catch a glimpse of it.

We were really looking forward to seeing the sun rays hit the mountaintop, but it was not to be. We visited a few lookout points and headed to Tiger Hills to catch a sunrise, but a sight of the Himalayan range eluded us.

Well, such is life… We live, we lament, we learn, we laugh, we love, we keep living. I’m reliving this lesson as I currently process weightier disappointments in my own life.

It’s ok to feel disappointed, but we aren’t without hope. We trust that God has good things in store for us, and there is always more to look forward to.

5. I can do hard things

Our itinerary included a trek in Lamahatta amid the pine trees. It was a gorgeous location, but I conveniently forgot that the trek would be uphill. Only when I started climbing did I realize what an arduous trek it would be.

As someone with chronic pain who struggles to walk/stand for long, this trek was daunting. Yet after a few minutes of panting on the uphill climb, I decided I would keep going and enjoy the experience with my family.

My mind was on a constant loop asking God for strength to make it through safely. It helped that my family was always at hand to help me navigate tricky spots without falling.

Our host/guide took us far beyond the usual trekking route and we stopped a while to appreciate the sound of silence. As we sat up top amid the dense pine trees, I got a glimpse of what Frost penned – the woods certainly are lovely, dark, and deep.

Still, we too had promises to keep and had to make our trek back downhill! By the end of the day, we had walked about 17k+ steps (10km) – so far beyond what I thought I could do!

Now back down here in reality, when I have something laborious or mundane on my to-do list that I’m dreading, I remind myself that I can do hard things! It’s like texting myself the 💪🏼 emoji and amping myself up! LOL!

The next time you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself of the hard times you’ve already navigated. The Lord has led you this far… He’s not going to forsake you now! You can do hard things too.

Did any of these lessons resonate with you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “5 Life Lessons I Learnt on Vacation”

  1. What a wonderful post as always Sheena! ‘To credit God for our seemingly ordinary coincidences’! I’m taking that with me. Thank you for writing this.

  2. I love how you cherish in purpose and praise the pain and pleasures of life. Lovely reminders and now I yearn for the real mountain trails.

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