Counting My Blessings: 1037 to 1051


Every week, I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, you can read these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1037. Jason saying, “Mama, look! A princess like u..” Sure makes a gal feel special :).

1038. The boys singing in chorus.

1039. The havoc they’re wrecking at home with a bunch of old drum sticks.

1040. Boys happy to learn something new even after their assessments are over.

1041. The way Jon always watches out for Jason.

1042. Heeding to Gods prompting even when I don’t want to. (Oh, so difficult!)

1043. 4 generations praying for a special person.

1044. Healing and recovery.

1045. Meeting someone new in church and connecting with them.

1046. Judah glued to his seat, watching the musicians practice at church.

1047. The boys learning to share and play with other kids.

1048. Laughing out loud.

1049. A bike ride with my husband beside a lake.

1050. Friends.

1051. Finding out that the week long meetings at church were being webcast live… Totally made my day!!!

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

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4 thoughts on “Counting My Blessings: 1037 to 1051”

  1. Dearest Sheena, u r one blessed mom…you have the cutest triplets..I saw their pic .cricket game expressions -truly priceless “Princess” 🙂

  2. 1037. Jason saying, “Mama, look! A princess like u..” Sure makes a gal feel special 🙂
    Wow! You are sooo blessed Sheena!

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