5 Steps To Achieve Your Goal


I’ve learnt over the past year that by setting a goal and meticulously working towards it, it is totally possible for us to achieve our goals. Here are 5 steps that I’ve found helpful in make our goals a reality.

1. Identify your Goal

The first step is of course identifying your goal. Spend some time thinking about what you would like to accomplish this month/year. Pray about it, if you’d like to seek God’s guidance. When you’ve decided, trim your goal so it is specific and realistic. Put it on paper and place it in a prominent spot (to serve as a constant reminder). If possible, share your goal with someone who can keep you accountable.

2. Write down your “Why”

This is something I learnt the hard way. Without the right motive, it is very easy to lose track of why we’re working towards something. Think about why you want to achieve your goal and let that be your motivation. Write your motive down alongside your goal, so you don’t forget. Your motivation could be a quote, a Bible verse, a picture or even something you’ll be treating yourself to when you reach your goal.

3. Break it down

The next step is breaking your goal down into smaller, manageable, time-bound mini goals. Divide your yearly goal into smaller monthly goals. And then make a list of weekly tasks that will help you achieve your monthly goals. You might have heard this before, but here it is anyway:

Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time! 😀

How do you achieve your goal? One small task at a time!

4. Just do it

This is obviously the most logical step. Start working on your goals, that’s it. Do it, one tiny bit at a time. Start with the smallest task at hand (identified in the previous step) and just keep plugging away at it until you’re done. When you plan your daily To-Do list, include one task that will help you achieve your weekly goal. The idea is to start with the mini-goals and slowly build momentum to achieve your goal as a whole.

5. Get back to it

This is my favorite step! Let’s face it; we are not perfect. There will be days or even weeks when we don’t work on our goals and they fall by the wayside. How many new year resolutions have we made that haven’t lasted past January? Despite our best intentions, life happens and we fall off the wagon. But the secret to success here is simply getting back on.

If you’ve missed your Bible reading today, do it the first thing tomorrow… If you’ve had an extra slice of chocolate cake (or 4!), eat something light for your next meal or workout an extra 5 minutes tomorrow. If you’ve had a stressful week, pick up the pace again next week. Just pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Two steps forward and one step back still means you’re moving forward :).

Let’s set our goals and make them happen this year! Who’s with me?

Well, it’s your turn now. How do you work towards achieving your goals? Share with us in the comments below.

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4 thoughts on “5 Steps To Achieve Your Goal”

  1. I have to have a plan and get it into a routine. I’m a routine kind-of person so once it becomes routine I’ll keep doing it. And I take my large goal and break it into smaller goals. This way its not so very overwhelming!

  2. I love that you included the Why step. From what I’ve learned, this is actually the most important step. We set goals because we want the reward from accomplishing it, no? So why not focus on the desired result? I’m that picture of a man holding a stick with a carrot dangling off it while he’s riding his donkey. He’s hanging the carrot in front so the donkey will go that way to get it. I’m the man and I’m the donkey!! Dangle your own carrot in front of you and you’re way more likely to accomplish your goal.

    LOL! I hope that makes sense to someone! 🙂 Great post, by the way. I found you at Titus 2sdays.

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