5 Life Lessons I Learnt on Vacation

5 Life Lessons I Learnt on Vacation

We visited Darjeeling as a family earlier this month… It had been 7 years since our last real vacation, so this was a long-anticipated break from our daily grind.

I encountered quite a few random ‘aha’ moments on our trip – some deep, some superficial. I’m memorializing them here to remind myself… And perhaps, some of these life lessons might resonate with you as well.

1. The ability to worship is a gift

We missed Sunday service in our church because we were up on the mountains. Before we left for the day’s activities, we tuned in to our online service so we could join in worship.

One of the songs we sang was “A Thousand Hallelujahs” – a personal favorite. As I sang the first stanza along with the worship leader, the lyrics struck me afresh.

There I was, looking out our homestay window at the towering pines and misty mountains, and I realized… Creation doesn’t have the words to praise their Creator, but I do!

I recognized what a privilege it is to praise God with our words, our emotions, our whole being. And also, songwriters who give us meaningful words to praise the Lord are such a blessing!

2. Fresh air truly does wonders

The air up in the mountains is really so much cleaner. For someone who’s long got used to the dust and pollution of city life, it literally was a breath of fresh air!

My body automatically followed a new circadian rhythm – going to bed early, waking up at first light, and sleeping through the night! My mind was clearer, my food cravings were noticeably lesser, and I physically felt so much better.

While we can’t always traipse up a mountain in search of fresh air, we can step outside early in the morning, late at night, or after a good downpour, and catch a breath of (hopefully) dust-free air.

3. God orchestrates the best surprises

Surprise #1:

We knew we would pass by the Nepal border on our way to Darjeeling. Our cab driver showed us the checkpoint and asked us if we’d like to visit, but we didn’t think it would be possible since we didn’t have our passports with us.

But what do you know, our Aadhar cards were enough! We got to step into Nepal, take a few pictures, buy a souvenir, and get back to India after “visiting” another country!

Surprise #2:

The boys were keen on visiting a pine tree forest in Lepcha Jagat (as recommended by their friend) but it wasn’t on our agenda. When the driver overheard us talking about it, he told us it was enroute to Darjeeling and stopped there for us.

We went on a short impromptu trek, took some great pictures, gorged on momos, and continued the drive with our hearts (and stomachs) full!

Surprise #3:

It was spring season in Darjeeling, so we got to see the azaleas in full bloom and flowers everywhere – from the smallest shanty to largest garden. The sheer variety of flowers in vibrant colors made even an ordinary drive a beautiful experience.

This isn’t the first time God has orchestrated something delightful out of the blue, so I know enough to credit God for the seemingly ordinary coincidences!

4. It’s ok to feel disappointed

One of the main draws of our homestay was that our windows would overlook the Kanchenjunga at a distance. It just so happened that for the duration of our stay, it was so misty that we couldn’t catch a glimpse of it.

We were really looking forward to seeing the sun rays hit the mountaintop, but it was not to be. We visited a few lookout points and headed to Tiger Hills to catch a sunrise, but a sight of the Himalayan range eluded us.

Well, such is life… We live, we lament, we learn, we laugh, we love, we keep living. I’m reliving this lesson as I currently process weightier disappointments in my own life.

It’s ok to feel disappointed, but we aren’t without hope. We trust that God has good things in store for us, and there is always more to look forward to.

5. I can do hard things

Our itinerary included a trek in Lamahatta amid the pine trees. It was a gorgeous location, but I conveniently forgot that the trek would be uphill. Only when I started climbing did I realize what an arduous trek it would be.

As someone with chronic pain who struggles to walk/stand for long, this trek was daunting. Yet after a few minutes of panting on the uphill climb, I decided I would keep going and enjoy the experience with my family.

My mind was on a constant loop asking God for strength to make it through safely. It helped that my family was always at hand to help me navigate tricky spots without falling.

Our host/guide took us far beyond the usual trekking route and we stopped a while to appreciate the sound of silence. As we sat up top amid the dense pine trees, I got a glimpse of what Frost penned – the woods certainly are lovely, dark, and deep.

Still, we too had promises to keep and had to make our trek back downhill! By the end of the day, we had walked about 17k+ steps (10km) – so far beyond what I thought I could do!

Now back down here in reality, when I have something laborious or mundane on my to-do list that I’m dreading, I remind myself that I can do hard things! It’s like texting myself the 💪🏼 emoji and amping myself up! LOL!

The next time you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself of the hard times you’ve already navigated. The Lord has led you this far… He’s not going to forsake you now! You can do hard things too.

Did any of these lessons resonate with you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Last year, I read a devotional in Streams in the Desert about Paganini, a renowned violinist.

Paganini was getting ready to play in front of an audience when he realized his prized violin had been stolen. What he held in his hand was a second-hand instrument, but he played nevertheless and enraptured his audience.

The violin wasn’t special, the violinist was!

It was Paganini’s talent that coaxed beautiful music from a seemingly ordinary instrument.

Sometimes, I feel like that second-hand violin… But thankfully, I’m in the hands of a loving, compassionate Master who’s still able to coax some good music out of me.

For a woman in her 40s, I don’t have much going on. My child-rearing years are almost behind me. In a couple of years, my boys will be adults. I don’t have any great career aspirations or dreams for my future.

Imposter syndrome rears its ugly head every time I log onto LinkedIn to look at job profiles. I’m too out of the loop to apply for the IT jobs I studied for. And I don’t have the degrees to back the content marketing roles I have some experience in.

My mind constantly tells me:

  • What are you doing with your life?
  • You can’t really start afresh at this age!
  • You don’t have much of a future to look forward to.
  • You don’t have the energy to make it in the corporate world.
  • You’re so far behind others who’ve progressed rapidly in their vocations.

And yet, I know deep down in my heart that God has led me to exactly where I am for a purpose.

For a season, it was to work in the IT industry. For another, it was to stay home and raise medically fragile triplets.

Then came the season of working online part-time and managing home/family the rest of the time. Following that, I became a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.

And now, I’ve dipped my toes back into academia!

My old dreams might have crashed and burned, but what I see around me now are not ruins. I see the new foundation God laid when I obeyed Him (reluctantly, I must admit) and quit 2 separate careers.

Imposter syndrome is real, but so is the unfathomable grace of God!

His truth reminds me:

  • I am a beloved child of God.
  • I will never be forsaken by Him.
  • His plans for my future are good.
  • His grace and strength sustain me.
  • The little I do is precious in His sight.

The devil can easily gain a foothold in our minds through our thoughts. But as we fill ourselves with the truth of God’s Word, the lies quiet down to a whisper.

Do you struggle with imposter syndrome as well? Perhaps you feel so worn out from all the struggles you’ve been through that you can’t even think about what’s ahead.

You may feel like a used and battered-up instrument, but in the hands of your Maker, you are just perfect for His purpose. Surrender yourself, just as you are, into the hands of the Lord. He can make beautiful music out of any instrument that’s willing to be used by Him.

It’s truly the best way to live – surrendered and ready to fulfill our Creator’s purpose for us!

Photo by Lukas Robertson on Unsplash

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2024: New Beginnings

2024: New Beginnings

I haven’t blogged on here for two whole years… the longest I’ve been silent since I started the blog in 2011.

(I have been writing every 3 months at IndiAanya, though. You can click here to find all my contributions.)

This much-delayed post is a life update, 2023 year-in-review, and 2024 goals post – all in one!

So, a lot has happened in our family since I wrote about seeing God’s goodness in 2022.

  • I quit the part-time online job I’d been holding since 2013.
  • We started homeschooling our sons.
  • My husband moved to a better, but more demanding job.

These 3 major changes all happened within 3 months, which caused a complete upheaval of our daily routines. Despite all the chaos, I must admit that the past two years have been a gift.

Getting to stay home with three teen sons for 2 whole years has indeed been a privilege. It wasn’t the smoothest journey… but we ALL did a lot of learning, forgiving, discipling, and growing!

And now that a new year has rolled around, I’m excited about the new beginnings to come!

Back to School

Our boys have successfully completed their 10th standard (6 months ahead of their peers) and are eager to join a regular pre-university college in June.

I too have decided to go back to college, albeit online. I’m pursuing my MA in Biblical Studies! I’m just a few weeks into the course but it’s looking good and I’m excited to get back to systematic learning.

New Year, New Goals

I didn’t set any goals at all in 2022 – just needed to take it slow after the chaos of the Covid days. In 2023, I eased back into goal setting… although I made real progress on only 3 fronts:

  • Bible study (I completed my first ever Bible in a Year plan and Beth Moore Bible study)
  • Fitness (150 days in the year – any intentional exercise that lasted 15 minutes counted)
  • Marriage (Regular coffee dates and a few fancy dinner dates helped)

Now that 2024 is in full swing, I’ve been motivated to set a brand-new set of goals. The goals mostly fall under the following categories:

  • Bible study – complete the New Testament and the Pentateuch
  • Fitness – exercise 150 days (at least 20 minutes or 6k steps)
  • Learning – basics of 3 languages, start crocheting
  • Family – dates with the husband, a family vacation

I will be following the 90-day goal model as I’ve found that’s what works for me.

Going back to school, getting back to goal setting, and blogging here again… they aren’t much, but they are the new beginnings I’m excited about this year.

Sometimes, we wait for a new year, or a new month, to make intentional changes. But we don’t have to.

I like how Nicky Gumbel puts it:

“The good news is that each year is an opportunity for a fresh start. But then so is each week. Every Sunday is the first day of the week – a new beginning. Actually, every day is an opportunity for a new beginning.”

Are you looking forward to a new beginning this year? Perhaps it’s a life transition or a just a new habit/hobby you want to develop. I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Let’s make 2024 one for the books! I believe by God’s grace, we will 💪🏼😇.

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

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Seeing God’s Goodness in 2022

Seeing God's Goodness in 2022

Ever had this happen to you?

You’re mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and a pretty picture captures your eye. You glance through the caption and find a verse that stirs up hope in your heart.

The following day you read your Bible and find the same verse nestled in your regular Bible reading plan.

Fast forward a few hours…

You’re listening to a podcast where the host reads out a Psalm which includes (you guessed it…) that verse again!

I like to call those God-incidences!

It makes me feel God’s trying to get my attention… He really wants to tell me something, if only I’m ready to listen.

So, going back to the verse that kept coming back to me… it was Psalm 27:13.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

I always looked up to this verse as a future hope…

“Someday, in some way, I will see the goodness of the Lord in my life.”

“Even if I’m going through a fiery trial right now, I will soon live in God’s goodness.”

But what if I had it all upside down?

What if, I AM living the goodness of God… but I’m just too apathetic to realize it?

There are seasons of my life where I’ve been intentional about counting my blessings and celebrating the little things in life.

But when my world is spinning too fast, and I can barely hold on… I let those habits slide.

When I came across this verse, God reminded me that I am experiencing His goodness in my life… I’ve just been so overwhelmed with daily stressors to notice it.

In the midst of the pandemic and all the grief we’ve been through, it’s tempting to attribute evil to God or harp on His inaction.

Even if we don’t outright say it, we have thoughts such as…

“If God really loved me, He wouldn’t let me go through this.”

“God, there’s so much bad happening in the world today… where are you in all this?”

“If You’re really good and You really care, You’d do something!”

I don’t know about you, but I sure have accused God of not doing what I think is right – for me, for my family, and the world at large.

We might acknowledge that God is not the author of evil, but we still cringe at the thought that He’s allowed us to go through a difficult situation.

If we’re quick to blame God when bad things befall us, why aren’t we equally attributing ALL good things to God as well?

That a meeting went by without a hitch.

That there was enough sunshine on a gloomy day to get a load of laundry done.

That the sickness subsided without a dose of antibiotics.

That the grief of losing a loved one became less painful over time.

That after months of feeling blue, there’s a glimmer of hope.

That through the chronic pain and weakness, His strength is just enough for today.

That in the midst of all the sadness, His comforting grace keeps us going.

Through all the grief and loss of the past few years, it’s been God’s incredible goodness that’s kept us going. And I’m confident we will continue seeing God’s goodness in 2022 as well.

May this be our prayer today:

Lord, I thank You that every good thing in my life is from You. I’m already seeing Your goodness in the land of the living. I’m grateful for the privilege to call You Father.

I know You care for me, even on those bad days when I don’t see you intervening on my behalf.

Thank You for the grace you’ve showered on me, and for helping me seek Your face – on the good days and on the bad.

Help me remember that irrespective of my everchanging moods, I’m always loved by You.

In Jesus’ Name,

Photo by pine watt on Unsplash

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2020: Year in Review

2020: Year in Review

When I wrote my first post this year, I didn’t expect 2020 to turn out the way it did.

Let’s face it… none of us did.

But 2020 did happen!

We battled a worldwide pandemic… we still are.

We lost loved ones.

We grieved missed opportunities.

We buried some dreams.

We resurrected old hobbies.

We found new interests.

We worked from home.

We cherished family.

We worried quite a bit.

We prayed a lot.

We made time for the things that mattered.

This has been a devastating year for many with the economic crisis, political wars, and the seeming triumph of injustice around the world.

For others, it’s been a year of rest and rejuvenation – a much needed break from the hustle of regular life.

Personally, this year has been a mixed bag for me.

As someone who periodically needs time alone to recuperate, this year didn’t give me room for that.

Solitude and quietness were hard to come by because my beautiful family was home all day, everyday!

I had to seek out new ways to cope with anxiety and find time for the rest my soul craved.

When the mundaneness started to wear me out, I found solace in reading and journaling.

I read a lot of the Bible. I furiously wrote as a means to process the mayhem in my mind.

I read 60+ books this year! I don’t think I’ve read that many books in the past 20 years combined!

I used books to escape the real world, but God graciously used the words to revive my faith, restore my mental health, and renew my determination to survive this year.

In case you were wondering, here are my top 5 reads of 2020:

I had set some lofty goals at the beginning of 2020.

As each 90-day mark swept by, my list of goals dwindled down.

And one of my goals for the last quarter was in fact, “Survive 2020”!

Yep… that’s right! I was just about ready to get over 2020 and see it in the rearview mirror!

Still, I can’t say 2020 was a complete disaster.

My family and I hit quite a few milestones this year…

  1. We moved to our new home – it’s been an oasis of comfort in these trying times.
  2. My husband turned 40, and he made the best tuna sandwiches and fried chicken burgers this year!
  3. We’ve got 3 teenagers under our roof, and their shoes are officially bigger than mine!
  4. I got to contribute a few blog posts at IndiAanya this year.
  5. We got a puppy!

Not to forget…

The kids actually thrived in online school this year.

They also had so much more time to pursue their individual interests and grow in their faith.

So many times this year, God came through for us and surprised our family.

We’ve documented them all in words and pictures, to remember for years to come.

Some of my best moments of 2020 included sitting as a family in our living room and discussing a multitude of topics – from Biblical truths to funny videos.

So, looking back at the year that was… it’s been a wild, crazy ride.

But I am grateful for the ups and downs of 2020, and I can’t wait to see what God has for us in 2021.

Here’s praying we all have a better year ahead…!

Have a blessed 2021! 😊

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

(This blog post idea has been languishing in my brain for months now… Given the current state of the world, I had to buckle up and write it out – as much for myself as for those who read my blog.)

In July 2018, I posted this on my Facebook page

At that time, it was a new revelation for me.

I had memorized Psalm 46:10 as a child, but the words took on a new meaning when I read it again as an adult in different Bible translations.

Now, as we live through a pandemic and a 21-day complete lockdown, the simple truth behind this verse could very well be a lifeline that holds each of us together and keeps us from crumbling.

Be Still

We’ve seen the phrase on Instagram letter boards and framed artwork. It’s artistically woven into digital graphics and embroidered on cushion covers.

But what does it really mean to be still?

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon says some of the original meanings of the term are:

  • to sink
  • relax
  • abandon
  • refrain
  • let go
  • to be quiet
  • let alone
  • to show oneself slack

Wow! That’s certainly a lot to process, isn’t it?

When the world has turned on its head, and nothing seems the same anymore… how do we react?

Mind-numbing fear and anxiety? Been there, done that!

But being still… not a pose I’m particularly familiar with.

Let’s face it… most days, even if we’re physically sitting still, a million thoughts are running through our minds.

(Or our fingers are mindlessly scrolling through a screen. But that’s another matter altogether!)

What would it really mean to quieten our minds in the presence of God?

Let go of the things that crowd our brains and sink into our Father’s loving embrace…

Give ourselves time and space to process current world events (and how they affect our lives) in the light of God’s Word…

Ignore our to-do lists for awhile and bask in the Lord’s grace…

Our hitherto rigid schedules have a lot more wiggle room now. Could we use some of it to be still and commune with our Creator?

And Know that I am God

I don’t think I’ve fully appreciated the meaning of the word ‘and‘ till now.

We can’t just be still and expect much… the words following the ‘be still‘ part are crucial too.

In our pursuit to be still, let’s not gloss over the ‘know‘ part of the verse.

This is where all our past experience with faith in God and the knowledge we’ve accumulated from the Bible comes into play.

In our stillness, we must know, recognize, understand who our God is.

He is God. You and I are not.

Let that just sink in.

I used to love the quote by Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables…

God is in heaven, all’s right with the world.

Well, guess what?!

All’s not right with the world now.

We’re in the thick of a pandemic… and most days I wake up hoping it’s showing signs of ending.

Still, we hold on to the knowledge that He is God and we are not.

This pandemic is bigger than us, but God is still on the throne.

God is still God. And God is still good.

In the midst of being still and knowing God, let’s keep praying that He will heal our land, strengthen those on the frontlines, provide for and protect those in need, guide decision makers, grant us peace and make us whole again.

We’ve read the end of Revelation… we know it’s all going to be ok in the end.

Until then… we can hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

He will be exalted among the nations! He will be exalted in the earth. – Psalm 46:10b

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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Looking Back to Look Ahead

Looking Back to Look Ahead

I love January!

There, I said it…

I sincerely believe January (not December) is the most wonderful time of the year!

December is usually chaotic for our family. It starts with the kids’ exams, and keeps us crazy busy with all the events and corresponding practice schedules.

But then the new year dawns, and it kind of presses a reset button on our lives.

I enjoy the fresh start January brings – new planners and journals, new hopes and dreams, new goals and resolutions!

It’s also the time when I look back over the year that was and see how far I’ve come personally.

In some ways, looking back has received quite a lot of flak. Just look at what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back!

While constantly analyzing the past and dwelling on it can be detrimental to our mental health, a certain degree of good can come out of reviewing a past season and learning from it.

I’ve done a lot of “year in review” posts (here, here and here).

I did the same this year in my journal, but went a step further and did a decade in review as well!

I’m not entirely sure if the new decade begins this year or the next. But considering we’re entering the 2020s, it seemed monumental to document how far I’ve come since January 2010.

In January 2010:

I was a young, constantly exhausted, stay at home mom of 2 year old triplets.

I barely had time for God or myself.

I hadn’t discovered my call to write, and my blog was non-existent.

Neither my husband nor I were able to actively serve in church.

I had a lot of unresolved baggage that I’d been carrying over the years which affected my mental health.

In January 2020:

I’m a part-time, work at home mom of 12 year old triplets and life is physically not as exhausting as it used to be.

I have sufficient time to study the Bible and grow in all areas of my life.

I’ve embraced my love for writing and launched my own website (something I had noted in my 10 year plan, way back in 2014).

My husband and I are privileged to serve through our local church, and bonus, the kids hang out a lot at church too.

I’ve learned to identify the triggers that lead me to despair and take proactive action.

10 years is a long time and our family has grown and matured over the past decade. Journaling about it in the beginning of January filled me with gratitude, and I was in awe at how far the Lord has led us.

The overwhelming joy I felt when I did this 10 year comparison was well worth the time I spent on it.

Not only did it bring me peace about the decade that was, it’s also given me hope for the decade that will be.

Sometimes, looking back will give you just the momentum you need to propel yourself forward.

If you haven’t done it yet, take some time to review your decade and see how far you’ve come.

Chances are, you’re proud of who you’ve become.

The God who led you this far will carry you forward to greater things by His grace.

Have a blessed 2020!

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39 Things I Love About You

39 Things I Love About You

It’s that time of the year again when I celebrate my husband and get to tell the whole world (or at least those who read my blog) what a great guy I married!

Dear Binny,

  1. I love your passion to establish our family on the Rock.
  2. The patience you have to make plum cakes.
  3. Your love for the mountains… 🏔️
  4. …and that you tolerate my life for the beach.
  5. Your paintings that adorn our home. 🖼️
  6. The number of habits you’re tracking.
  7. The way you explain stuff to the kids in a way they understand.
  8. That you insist on explaining things to me even when it’s totally going over my head.
  9. That you’ll always, always make time for chai with friends. ☕️
  10. That you took the time to understand personality types just cos I asked you to.
  11. The way you can juggle multiple responsibilities at work, church, home, and football… I’m truly in awe! 🤹‍♂️
  12. The way you laugh at your own jokes.
  13. That you refer to me as Wonder Woman…
  14. …and reinforce it with appropriate gifs.
  15. Your raw physical strength. 🏋️‍♂️
  16. Listening to 90’s love songs in the car with you.
  17. Your restlessness when you know something’s just not right.
  18. Your drive to get back on your feet after surgery.
  19. The number of micro, mini and mega dates you’ve taken me on this year. 🍽️
  20. The way you answer the kids’ questions about life and spirituality.
  21. Your carefully curated fitness plan.
  22. Your sermon notes and doodles. ✏️
  23. Your personal Bible study takeaways that you share with me.
  24. Your love for deep teachings from the Bible.
  25. Your heart to equip those God has entrusted to you
  26. The impromptu excursions you take us on. 🚗
  27. That you sense my need for downtime.
  28. …and make room for it even before I ask for it.
  29. The special handshake you do with the kids. 🤝
  30. Your attention to detail.
  31. The number of times you’ve put our family’s best interest before something you really wanted to do.
  32. The way you kept pestering me to tell you what I wanted for my birthday. 🎁
  33. The long meaningful conversations about the things that really matter.
  34. The amazing fish fry you made. 🐟
  35. The fact that you’re budget-conscious.
  36. The way you capture beauty on camera. 📸
  37. Your determination to push past physical limits.
  38. The look in your eyes when you see babies, puppies, and plants! 🥰
  39. The way you always stick up for your team – whether it’s at work, church or the football field.

I’m forever grateful that you chose me to be your wife! 💕

Any married women out there?
Go ahead, write a note, a text, an email.
Let your husband know all that you love about him.
You’ll be glad you did!

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Live Your Best Life

Live Your Best Life

There’s this tug of war happening in my heart… it’s been going on for over a decade now.

This tension between who I am and who I want to be.

There was a time when I knew exactly what I wanted and how I was going to get there. But that dream was not to be.

I do have a decent work at home job that lets me earn a part-time income and be home for my family 24/7.

But there’s still this feeling that I need to do more, be more…

Some dissatisfaction in my life may be resolved if I find a new passion or a dream to pursue. Yet, there are other empty places that life in this world just cannot fulfill.

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

C. S. Lewis

For many years, I waited in expectation… thinking God would plant a new dream in my heart. It hasn’t happened yet.

But something beautiful has happened in the meantime… I’ve learned to lean in closer to God and be more dependent on Him, trusting Him to guide me one day at a time.

So, I can either wallow in self-pity and wish I was doing more with my life. Or I can choose to live my best life where I am now, with what God has so graciously given me.

Here’s how I’m doing that, and how you can too.

Remain Rooted in Christ

I’ve had my share of dark days… when I just want to sulk around the house, or crawl into bed and cry my heart out.

It’s God’s Word that has always reached the depths of my darkness and pulled me out. Making my quiet time a priority has helped me set the tone for my days.

The life-saving habit of studying the Bible keeps me on the right track, even when I’m veering off course.

Invest in Yourself

I have friends who don’t hesitate to spend money on something they want – be it shopping, learning or traveling.

Since we’re on a rather strict, self-imposed budget, I’m always hesitant to spend money on myself. But there’s something more valuable I CAN invest… my time!

Here are some ways I’ve tried to invest time in my own wellbeing this year:

  • 20-30 minute workouts at least 2 – 3 times a week
  • Reading books/articles that uplift and empower
  • Listening to inspirational podcasts/audiobooks
  • Resurrecting an old hobby (or learning a new one)
  • Journaling as a means to process my thoughts
  • Capturing snapshots of everyday life
  • Impromptu breaks with the family – even if it’s to the nearest tea shop

Do What Makes You Happy

I know this probably sounds shallow and vain, but it has been a lifesaver on days when I’m just overwhelmed with life.

I’ve been guilty of cutting homework time short and just watching a movie with the kids. My husband and I went on quite a few midweek lunch dates this year because that’s the only time that worked for us.

Sometimes, it’s ok to let the obligations of real life slide and just do something that will make you happy.

“Live your best life.” It’s a term we hear everywhere.

For some, it means pursuing their dreams, reaching new heights and conquering the world.

For others, it might mean setting aside old dreams, remaining in the plains and serving the world right where they are.

Whichever the Lord leads us to, may we be able to do it wholeheartedly and with no regrets.

Photo by Paula Brustur on Unsplash

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Celebrating the Ordinary Everyday

Celebrating the Ordinary Everyday

New beginnings are exciting…

  • A new year
  • A new home
  • A new routine

There’s a thrill in planning new ventures… and it’s nice to look forward to positive changes that shuffle up our monotonous lives.

But after a while, that becomes our new normal… a new monotony. We’re just doing the same things over and over again… day in and day out!

It’s been a few months since we moved to a different part of town and the kids started the new school year in a new school.

We enjoyed the new beginnings… but now that we’ve settled in, the daily grind sometimes wears us out.

It’s easy to fall back into the boring rhythms of a regular week – with nothing interesting to show at the end of it.

I must mention… there were seasons in the past when I prayed for this monotonous life our family is living now.

Still, our days are packed tight with work, errands, chores, homework, commitments…

My days often become a blur… doing one thing after another, being everything to everyone, rushing to complete a never-ending to-do list…

That’s why I intentionally set an interesting goal for 2019 – to document and celebrate the ordinary everyday.

There are dozens of small moments I might miss in my week if I don’t capture it…

I usually remember to jot those down in my journal.. but this year, I decided to take it a step further and take weekly snapshots of our everyday life.

These are the ordinary moments – nothing extraordinary… but moments that will help me look back and cherish these years with my family.

I started posting a picture a week on Instagram, and I’ve successfully completed 7+ months of it!

It hasn’t been easy, though…

In the rush of everyday life, I often miss appreciating the beauty and joy hidden in the ordinary moments of everyday life.

I’ve had to pray and ask God to open my eyes to the wonders He’s placed around me.

The practice of looking for beauty around me and celebrating the everyday moments with my family has been quite therapeutic.

I now pause to notice the dirt street we traverse every day… and the flowers at the end of the road.

I linger a few moments longer on the balcony… and take in the beauty of the clouds, the trees, the chirping of the birds.

I say ‘yes’ when the boys want to help me in the kitchen… and make tea for them more often.

Our family is far from perfect… we have our fair share of ups and downs.

But I’m choosing to focus on the things I want to remember – 5, 10, 20 years from now…

My pictures are definitely not Instagram worthy (the filters help, of course)…

But I’m enjoying documenting our weeks and celebrating our imperfect, ordinary life… adding a bit of sparkle to otherwise monotonous days.

Image Credit: Ryan Parker

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