Embracing the Mess

Embracing the Mess

The first time I heard the term “Terrible Twos” was when my husband prayed for our sons on their 2nd birthday. I turned to Wikipedia for clarification, and here’s what I found…

Terrible twos may refer to:

A child development stage which normally occurs around the age of two (but can start earlier) and consists of toddlers often saying no and throwing temper tantrums

My husband had figured the coming year would be challenging for us as three toddlers simultaneously turned two. And he prayed for grace and strength for us as parents. Wise man!

I had no clue what I was getting in to! Age 2 (and 3) were by far the most physically & emotionally challenging years for me as a mother. {Apparently, the terrible twos spill over into the terrifying threes!!!} The only way I made it through most days, was prayer… loads of prayer. The kind that you whisper amid tears, and scream amid tantrums… 🙂

Another thing that helped, was to let the boys just be boys. They wanted to run and shout, scream and jump, bang stuff and make a huge mess. As an only child to my parents, it was extremely hard for me to adjust to my boys’ behavior. But thankfully my husband was a bit more experienced in this department.

We let them jump from the couch / table / bed onto pillows and mattresses laid on the floor.

We let them climb windows (with a couch underneath it for a softer landing if they did fall).

And we let them make a mess.

The last one was something I resisted with ALL my heart. I did NOT want to clean up 3 boys (and clean up after them) in the middle of the day! Again, I had to come to terms with it…

The boys were gifted a pack of finger paints and they were intent on using it. I kept trying to dissuade them until their father returned home. But they wouldn’t be put off! I made a hasty phone call to my husband to check how far away from home he was, and on his insistence, I let the boys have the paints.

I gave them papers to paint on, but they obviously felt the walls were a bigger, better canvas. I cringed at first. Then I stood back and let them be. Oh what a mess they had made!

That mess seemed to depict exactly the stage of life I was in. Tired, exhausted, cranky (me & the kids), worn out and messy. Thankfully, the sons were washable (and surprisingly, so were the walls!) And guess what… so was that part of my life.

I look back at that messy time with fond memories now. It definitely wasn’t easy to go through it then, but God has taught me a lot through that phase. He taught me patience, self-control, kindness, unconditional love, and self-sacrifice. Lessons I wouldn’t have learnt otherwise. I have grown through the mess… and so will you.

If you have a toddler or two (or three) at home, believe me when I tell you, I understand what you are going through. Hang in there, sweet Mama. This too shall pass away!

The tantrums will cease.

They will be potty-trained.

They will be more open to correction.

They will be OK… and so will you!

You will come out of this phase – unscathed, older, wiser.

Until then… embrace the mess… and pray.

Definitely pray!


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Counting My Blessings: 1501 to 1510

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1501. A home makeover!

1502. A full blown Nerf-gun war between father and sons.

1503. A blessed, hectic Easter weekend.

1504. Witnessing a friend’s baptism.

1505. Summer rain.

1506. Late night chats with friends.

1507. A husband who can work from home once in a while.

1508. Playing UNO with the family.

1509. A blog header I’m finally happy with!

1510. Having good friends over.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Welcome to my new online home!

Welcome to my new online home!

So, I did something crazy over the past month. I moved my blog over to SheenaGershom.com! I won’t bore you with all the technical details, but let me just say, I’ve been thinking of doing this for a couple of years now. I just didn’t want to take the risk of actually taking the plunge… until now.

During a time of prayer in March, I could feel God impressing on my heart to go ahead with this project. I laid out a few conditions… (kinda like Gideon laid out the fleece) and what do you know… things did fall in place!

I actually had fun fiddling with the code, and trying my hand at web design too. I know it’s not professional – there are a few more design elements to be added, and the dust hasn’t settled down yet… but I’m happy to have it up and running.

I’ll be getting back to sharing real life and lessons learned from God’s Word! I hope you’ll stick around!


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #41

Top 3 Thursday

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. Easter…the Ultimate Love Story @ Good Morning Girls {Such a powerful post… Must read!}

2. Plate Spinning, Juggling, And Letting Go of Perfection @ Crystal Stine {“I’m capable. But I’m not perfect. And those two things are not the same.” <– Loved this!}

3. For When You’ve Never Walked a Mile In Their Shoes @ Andrea Dekker {I’ve been guilty of saying most of these statements… Point taken!}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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My Summer Bucket List

My Summer Bucket List

It’s been a blazing summer here in South India, with our boys being holed up at home during the day. I don’t let them go out when it’s too hot outside, and I work during the day, so they’re getting quite adept at keeping themselves occupied.

However, I know these 2 months of having my boys at home are precious, and I don’t want to waste the days away. Over the past two weeks, my husband and I have managed to help the kids implement 2 good habits.

  • Morning Routine – My husband trained the boys to follow a sequence of tasks as soon as they wake up. This includes a time of reading their Bibles and praying, after which they are free to do whatever they please.
  • Minimal Screen Time – The kids do get to watch TV and play on the iPad, but that time is restricted and will be revoked if they don’t behave well that day.

Well, that brings me back to how I want to be intentional with my boys this summer. I created a summer bucket list for myself – things I want to do with my family this summer. Some of them are fun, and some educational, but all of them are focused on me having quality time with the kids.

My Summer Bucket List:

1. Help the boys stick to their morning routine.

2. Teach them to tie their shoe laces.

3. Spend one-on-one time with each of them every day.

4. Watch a movie together as a family.

5. Attend a worship concert at church. The last one I attended with the sons (my husband was on stage) was a disaster. {The concert itself was awesome, but the boys took turns throwing tantrums and I was exhausted by the end of the night!}

6. Work on improving the kids’ handwriting.

7. Get the kids to read something everyday.

8. Get on the floor and play with them a couple of times a week.

9. Ensure the kids don’t forget their basic Hindi & Mathematics.

10. Send the boys to Vacation Bible School at church (not sure if the logistics will work in our favor, but we’re determined to try).

I’m aiming to strike off as much as I possibly can from this list. When June rolls around, I don’t want to regret not spending enough time with the boys during the summer. That is my motivation!

Are your kids home on holidays? Why don’t you create your own bucket list? I’m sure it will help you be more intentional about spending time with your children.

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Counting My Blessings: 1491 to 1500

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1491. A new opportunity to serve in church.

1492. Working on this.

1493. A proper English brunch with friends.

1494. Hearing the boys say, “Mama, nice dress!

1495. The morning routine my sons seem to have gotten used to.

1496. Yet another set of Lightning McQueen T-shirts for the boys.

1497. Choosing to love, rather than harbor bitterness – so difficult, yet such a blessing.

1498. A new drum beat the boys learnt from a friend in church.

1499. And the constant {noisy} practice at home on their plastic drum kit.

1500. Listening to Jon’s argument on why we shouldn’t eat animals created by God.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #40

Top 3 Thursday

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. When Guilt Pulls You Down @ (in)courage {This was just powerful… I could SO relate to it.}

2. “Don’t look your problems in the eye, punch them in the face.” @ Money Saving Mom {I finally had the courage to punch a big project in the face this week… It felt good!}

3. When you’re just plain tired of the sacrifice… @ Good Morning Girls {Beautiful encouragement for the everyday sacrifices we make…}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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He Loves Them More

He Loves Them More

It was one of those days. Unreasonable temper tantrums and rough boy fights had left this mother of triplets physically and emotionally drained.  Stepping on a stray Lego just about did it for me and I collapsed into a blubbery mess of tears. With harsh words and a little-more-than-necessary force, I pretty much dumped them in bed and heaved a huge sigh of relief when the boys were finally down for a nap. And then I felt it – the crushing weight of guilt as it threatened to engulf me.

If only I hadn’t yelled at them…
If only I had hugged them, instead of lecturing them…
If only I had been more patient with them…
If only I had remembered to speak their love language

As I watched my boys sleeping, they looked more like little angels than the stubborn, mischievous trio I had struggled with, just that morning. The feeling of unworthiness washed over me. God had given me the responsibility to raise my boys right, and I had failed.

Tears streamed down my face as I recounted all the mistakes I had made from the moment they woke up that morning. When my mind finally quietened down, I felt a little nudge. A soft whisper reminded me that God hadn’t given me my sons because I was worthy. He already knew I would struggle, that in my weakness I would make mistakes. I could never be a perfect mother to my sons.


He is perfect; He is more than enough for them.

Through my imperfections, He wants me to show them Jesus.

He lets them rock my world, so I continually turn to Christ – my solid rock.

He shows me that without His grace, all my efforts are in vain.

As I try to mold their character, God reveals to me my own weaknesses. As I try my best to correct their behavior, He reminds me that it’s their hearts that truly matter. And when I run to Him in tears, afraid that I’ve messed up yet again; He offers me forgiveness, grace and wisdom to do better tomorrow.

I hear their light breathing, and I’m once again grateful they’re alive. I snuggle up in their midst, glad to have their arms and legs sprawled around me. I wipe away a stray tear and thank God for these three boys. These rambunctious miracles, these bundles of limitless energy have drawn me closer to God.  From the moment God gave them life, they have been a constant reminder of Someone who cares for them much more than I ever could.

And when I feel I’ve messed up, He reminds me that He’s still watching over them. He will not let them down, in spite of my weakness – because He loves them more.

* Originally written in September 2012 as a guest post for The MOB Society.

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My 2014 Goals: Quarterly Update 1

My Annual Goals: 2014

You know how these big companies have quarterly audits to gauge how they are doing? I’ve found that to be a very healthy practice, not just in the corporate world, but even for ourselves. Back in January, I set a bunch of goals I wanted to achieve in 2014 – actually 10 goals, to be exact.

Well, here’s my first quarterly audit on those goals. I share them here for accountability, and hopefully to motivate you too to set goals and achieve them.


1. Complete 4 Bible studies with Good Morning Girls{Completed the Intentionally Focused study, and I’ve started with the Easter study.}

2. Read through the books of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges & Ruth. {I’m done with Leviticus and Numbers; just started with Deuteronomy.}


3. Read at least 12 full-length, non-fiction books – ideally one each month. {I read The Wall Around Your Heart and Help for Women Under Stress. I also read The Pursuit of God (free download) which is a smaller book, and a couple of historical Bible-based fiction books.}

4. Complete the Titus 2 University eCourse. {I’ve completed just 5 weeks of this course… need to pick up the pace on this one.}


5. Walk a 3 Km stretch by the end of the year. {I’ve been fairly regular with walking, but the maximum distance I’ve walked is only 2.2 Km.}


6. Go out on 4 dates with my husband. {Umm… I’m guessing the late night movie we watched together doesn’t count. What can I say? We haven’t been out on a date yet this year.}


7. Teach the kids 12 verses – one each month. {They’ve memorized 3 verses so far.}

8. Teach the kids 12 family ways – one each month. {Only 2 done till now.}

Home Management:

9. Follow the Confident Mom home management planner. {This went well for the first 2 months and then it slipped away.}


10. Write 120 blog posts this year. {I’ve written 29 blog posts so far, not including this one.}

I realize I need to pick up the pace in a few areas, and maintain the pace in others. Hopefully the next quarter’s update will be more promising!

Have you set any goals for this year?
How has your progress been?


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Counting My Blessings: 1481 to 1490

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1481. The end of the school year.

1482. A backup internet connection.

1483. Overheard at home: “Mama, can you tell me what I was thinking? I forgot!” 😀

1484. Judah – our official family balloon blower!

1485. A husband who worked from home most of the week…

1486. …and took the kids with him whenever he went out!

1487. I show one of the sons a recent photo of the trio and ask him to identify who’s who. He responds, “I don’t know… they all look like me!” LOL!

1488. Cooking ghee rice for a potluck at church.

1489. A friend who took care of my family during my absence… so grateful!

1490. The call to get up, give up & grow up, in order to be excellent.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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