When Sickness Strikes
It’s been almost a month since I blogged, and with good reason. We had a severe viral infection at home which took our entire family out for a whole 3 weeks! To say it was overwhelming is an understatement.
When the kids started falling ill the first week, I chalked it up as a minor bump in the road. It then hit my husband and I, and things drove to a standstill at home. Just when we recovered from it, the kids went into another round of a more vicious illness and we were back to square one.
After several doctor visits, plenty of medication, and boatloads of prayer support from family and friends, we are all back on our feet and back in the land of the living!
But those 3 weeks… Man, it was tough.
The gloomy skies outside seemed an exact replica of my heart. I professed my faith in Christ and His healing power, but I felt no hope. There seemed to be no end to the sickness plaguing our family – no light at the end of the tunnel.
I tried counting my blessings…
- My husband could work from home for a few days.
- He was also able to take a few days off.
- Despite their sickness, the kids were still cheerful.
- My employer was very understanding.
- We had a lot of loved ones backing us up in prayer.
But still, on most days I was running on empty.
I’ve always heard that God never gives us more than what we can handle. Well, guess what? He had given me more than I could handle, and I was drowning.
I had to rely purely on God for enough grace and strength to get me through each day. And He did not disappoint.
God comforted.
God healed.
God restored.
It was not easy.
It was not fast.
But God worked it out as He always does.
And for that, I’m grateful.
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