When Sickness Strikes

When Sickness Strikes

It’s been almost a month since I blogged, and with good reason. We had a severe viral infection at home which took our entire family out for a whole 3 weeks! To say it was overwhelming is an understatement.

When the kids started falling ill the first week, I chalked it up as a minor bump in the road. It then hit my husband and I, and things drove to a standstill at home. Just when we recovered from it, the kids went into another round of a more vicious illness and we were back to square one.

After several doctor visits, plenty of medication, and boatloads of prayer support from family and friends, we are all back on our feet and back in the land of the living!

But those 3 weeks… Man, it was tough.

The gloomy skies outside seemed an exact replica of my heart. I professed my faith in Christ and His healing power, but I felt no hope. There seemed to be no end to the sickness plaguing our family – no light at the end of the tunnel.

I tried counting my blessings…

  • My husband could work from home for a few days.
  • He was also able to take a few days off.
  • Despite their sickness, the kids were still cheerful.
  • My employer was very understanding.
  • We had a lot of loved ones backing us up in prayer.

But still, on most days I was running on empty.

I’ve always heard that God never gives us more than what we can handle. Well, guess what? He had given me more than I could handle, and I was drowning.

I had to rely purely on God for enough grace and strength to get me through each day. And He did not disappoint.

God comforted.

God healed.

God restored.

It was not easy.

It was not fast.

But God worked it out as He always does.

And for that, I’m grateful.


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #48

Top 3 Thursday

One of the reasons I started blogging was to share with others the articles that have inspired me, tips that I’ve found helpful, and other blogs that have positively influenced me. So, that’s what you’ll find here on my Top 3 Thursday posts.

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. Why Jesus Wept @ Savory Thots {By far the best blog post I’ve read that answers the question, “If God is good, why doesn’t He do something about all this suffering in this world?“}

2. Dreaming Big… In Motherhood and Beyond @ Inspired To Action {Love the reminder that God will help us accomplish the dreams He’s placed in our hearts.}

3. You can have it all, but not all at once. @ The Art of Simple {Wise words.}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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Counting My Blessings: 1571 to 1580

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1571. Fresh mercy each morning.

1572. Getting drenched in the rain with the boys.

1573. Authentic Andhra meals.

1574. United prayers.

1575. Father and sons window shopping cars online.

1576. Cooler weather.

1577. Rasgullas.

1578. Hope for the grieving.

1579. Catching up with friends over a cup of chai.

1580. This quote.

“Trying to do the Lord’s work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.” – Corrie ten Boom

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #47

Top 3 Thursday

One of the reasons I started blogging was to share with others the things that have inspired me, tips that I’ve found helpful, and other blogs that have positively influenced me. So, that’s what you’ll find here on my Top 3 Thursday posts.

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. 10 Ways to Maximize Moments of Rest @ The Better Mom

2. The false advertising about motherhood @ Lisa-Jo Baker

3. 5 Common Discipline Mistakes Every Parent Should Avoid @ For The Family

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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5 Tips to Sleep Early

5 Tips to Sleep Early

The boys have officially started 1st standard which means more hours in school. They have to leave the house before 8am, which means I need to be up at least by 6 to get their breakfast and lunch ready.

Let’s just say it’s a new kind of crazy around here!

After a pretty laidback summer schedule, I’m struggling to wake up on time in the mornings… especially if I didn’t get enough sleep the previous night. After much deliberation, I realized I had to forgo my late nights if I wanted to wake up on time. {DUH!}

You see, I religiously guard my time after the kids are in bed. That is MY time – to wind up my work online, blog, eat in peace, watch TV and just relax on the couch. I DO NOT want to go to sleep until I really have to! {Wierd, I know!} 🙂

Well, sacrifices had to be made…

But surprisingly, I found that even if I went to bed early some nights, I would stay awake for hours before I actually went into a deep sleep.

I took a hard look at my activities during the day, and found that quite a few of them were directly responsible for my disturbed nights.

So, without further ado, here are my top 5 tips to sleep early!

1. Wake up early

I know… I know… the reason we need to go to bed early is because we want to wake up on time. But I’ve found that if I start waking up early, I am more likely to go to bed on time.

2. Skip the evening coffee

This is such a struggle for me, because I think coffee is one of my love languages. I’ve begun to make do without my evening coffee. I substitute with lots of water… or a tea with milk if I desperately need a pick me up in the evenings.

3. Stay away from lighted screens

If I watch too much TV, or stare at the laptop screen or iPad for too long, my mind doesn’t wind down even after I hit the bed. So now I watch just a little TV after the kids are in bed, and then go to bed a half hour before I actually need to sleep. Then I read a book on my iPad (using the Kindle app) with the brightness set really low. I usually fall asleep before I complete a chapter.

{The exception is if I start reading historical Christian fiction. Somehow, I am never able to put those down until it’s WAY past my bed time.}

4. No sugary foods late in the evenings.

I had a bad habit of diving into my hidden stash of chocolate after the kids are in bed. On those days that I eat lots of chocolate or ice-cream (or the Indian sweets my mother faithfully brings when she visits), I take much longer to fall asleep. It’s easier to do abide by the ‘no chocolate rule’ now because there’s no chocolate in the house. When the fridge does get stacked again, it will be a true test of my determination!

5. Give yourself a cheat day.

I cheat on the weekend. I do not get up early because the boys don’t have to be in school. I usually stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights and sleep in on the weekends. This allows me to catch up on sleep and gets me back to the ‘wake up early’ routine on Monday morning.

So, what do you give up in order to sleep early? Got any tips for me?


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Counting My Blessings: 1561 to 1570

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1561. Ready made chicken masala.

1562. Daily workouts.

1563. Sore muscles.

1564. A husband who delights in imitating my quirkiness.

1565. Remembering the encouraging words my mother said to me almost 2 decades ago.

1566. Fellowship over coffee at a mall.

1567. Financial planning.

1568. The car magazine our sons can’t seem to get enough of.

1569. House cleaning that involves the entire family.

1570. Playing indoor cricket with Judah in our living room.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #46

Top 3 Thursday

Here are 3 blog posts that encouraged me this week… Click through and read them, won’t you?

1. The iPad is stealing my son’s childhood @ I Can Teach My Child {This is pretty much why we too have limited the screen time for our boys.}

2. Motherhood: 3 Lies and 3 Truths @ WholeHearted Home {Yup! I’ve believed all three lies at some point or the other.}

3. This Isn’t a Dress Rehearsal @ Real Life Titus Two {Loved this perspective!}

If you have read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, would you share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!


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Counting My Blessings: 1551 to 1560

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1551. Amazing grace.

1552. Phone calls with Mummy dearest.

1553. Time to work out.

1554. A discerning husband.

1555. The Saturday homework marathon.

1556. More writing.

1557. Hot fudge cake at Corner House {Finally!}

1558. A 4-burner gas stove.

1559. Friends to share the struggles of real life with.

1560. Three little boys in their school blazers. {Dashing!}

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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What Defines You?

What Defines You?

We began the much anticipated #YouAreLoved Bible study at Good Morning Girls this week. Apart from the daily readings, there are also weekly challenges we are encouraged to participate it.

The Week 1 Challenge was this…

#YouAreLoved Week 1 Challenge

I really thought I would pass up on this challenge. I mean, it seemed pretty pointless. I’ve known about God’s love for as long as I can remember. And I’ve been actively growing in Christ for more than a decade. I already knew who I was in Christ!

{That, my friend, is spiritual pride. What a blow!}

Anyway, I thought I’d just do the challenge in my mind, but was persuaded to give it a proper shot. And boy, am I glad I did!

I took a clean sheet of paper and started listing down my failures, my insecurities, my weaknesses…

As I wrote,  my throat constricted… my heart became heavy as I thought of all the things that were defining me.

Mistakes I had made…

Words that had hurt me…

Experiences that had left behind scars…

As I filled up that page, I realized I had subconsciously allowed a lot of negative things to define me. But it didn’t have to be that way.

I wrote in bold words across the page, “Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.”

I took a deep breath and tore the paper to bits!

Oh the freedom I experienced!

It is one thing to know you are free… but to physically do this was so very powerful.

I had a spring in my step as I walked over to the dustbin and threw the pieces of paper inside.

I am not defined by my failures, the past, words that have hurt me, or people who have let me down.

And guess what? Neither are you!

You are not defined by your past mistakes, the insults hurled at you, the abuse you’ve endured or what others think of you.

You are defined by who you are in Christ… and in Christ you are a conqueror!

…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

I want to urge you to take up this challenge today. Don’t put it off for tomorrow… it only takes a few minutes. And the end result is well worth it!

Have a blessed day, fellow conqueror!


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Counting My Blessings: 1541 to 1550

Counting My Blessings

Every week (more or less), I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for.  If you’d like to know more, check out these blog posts on why I do it and how to get started.  Care to join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

1541. The #YouAreLoved study.

1542. Changes.

1543. God’s strength displayed amid persecution.

1544. The sober realization that my boys will be in school for 7 – 8 hours every weekday, come tomorrow.

1545. The fact that I’ll miss their rapid-fire questioning…

1546. …and the way they trail behind me at home, all day long!

1547. Conflicts that are resolved almost immediately.

1548. The mess in the kitchen after the boys fixed their own sandwiches.

1549. A back-to-school buying spree.

1550. A game of badminton with the boys.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?


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