The Clumsy Mom

Photo Credit: Laurens Meurs

If you’ve known me a few years, you’re probably aware that I’m a klutz. In my college days, I was tripping, slipping, sliding, tottering, falling and hurting myself quite often. And not in a very graceful way either :D!

All that changed when I got married. My husband (sweetheart that he is) helped me by affirming over and over again that I was not a clumsy person. And by being at my side to steady me if I ever did trip/slip/slide/….

Then we had kids… and my whole world (er… I mean my house) became clumsy. If you walk into our home unannounced you’ll be sure to find any or all of the following scattered around our living room…

  • Toys
  • Legos
  • Clothes
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Broken cars
  • Cups
  • Balls
  • More broken cars
  • Footwear
  • Bottles
  • Spoons
  • Did I mention “broken cars”?
  • School bags
  • Plastic carry bags
  • Books
  • Cycles

Now, don’t get me wrong here. My husband & I (OK, its mostly my husband) makes sure the house is tidy (or at least navigable) but it rarely stays that way for more than a few minutes! My sons are somehow able to steer themselves through the obstacle course in our living room with no casualties, but every step I take is usually a disaster waiting to happen.

Thanks in part to my clumsy home but mostly due to my own carelessness, I have had quite a few “accidents” over the past few month that have caused me some pain. Remember the cabinet door that fell on my foot? And then I slipped on a puddle of water outside the bathroom. Oh, and an axle from one of the broken cars punctured my sole (OUCH!). And I slipped on a puddle of water (again!) in our living room 🙁 .

The last fall just about did me in – I didn’t know whether to yell, cry, laugh at myself or blame somebody else for my fall. But in keeping with my habit of speaking positively, here’s what I’ve surmised…

  • Busted knees make earnest prayers.
  • Keep pointed objects off the floor.
  • Wear non-slip slippers (Is that an oxymoron?) at at all times.
  • Get rid of broken toys when the kids aren’t looking (Shh!).
  • Thank God, it wasn’t the kids!

If you have a bunch of small kids living with you, how do you keep the living room clean for more than 5 minutes? Seriously… I’d like to know.

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A Habit A Month: January

After reading a series on  by Money Saving Mom, I realized it would be a good idea to apply the same principle in my life. This year (as mentioned in my previous post), I will work on developing just one good habit a month.

“A Habit A Month” will be an ongoing series on this blog for the entire year. At the beginning of each month, I will be posting the habit I hope to develop; and at the end of the month, I will be posting an update on how well (or how badly) I’ve fared.

Why “A Habit A Month”?

  1. I find that when I try to make too many changes to my lifestyle at a time, they tend to fizzle out within a month week.
  2. It is easier to concentrate on just one habit at a time until it is developed.
  3. I am hoping that 31 days is more than enough to make the habit part of a lifestyle.
  4. If I am not intentional about becoming a better person, it might never happen.
  5. Blogging about it keeps me accountable.

So, without delaying any longer (Its already Jan 11th – but better late than never, right :)) I present to you… for the month of January…

The Habit of Positive Speech

My husband, my primary critic / cheerleader, recently pointed out that I had started speaking negatively on a regular basis. It came as a shocker to me, as I had long thought of myself as a positive person. Years of reading books like “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale had taught me to have a positive outlook towards life. But now, it certainly looks like my mind & my mouth need a double dose of optimism.

That is it then. I am going to be intentional about being positive. To be optimistic & to make sure my speech reflects it. I only hope this doesn’t backfire and I become that crazy over-the-top optimist – you know, the one who stands out in a thunderstorm looking for the sun, LOL!

If you like this idea, why don’t you take this up as a challenge? Focus on just one area in your life that needs an overhaul and make it the habit you want to develop this month. It could be as simple as waking up early or spending time with God everyday. This would be an opportunity for you to actually take a step forward and work on that one good habit you’ve always wanted to develop. Or kick that one bad habit that has always been nagging your conscience. Are you up for it? Who’s with me?

I am linking up with:

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Looking Ahead

A week into the new year and we’re still struggling to get our kids back on track with their diet, schedule and schooling. We had a rocky start this year and I had pretty much forgotten that I could look ahead. But then I did. I started counting all the things I could look forward to in 2012. It blessed my heart and excited me quite a bit, just anticipating changes and life events this year.

Here are 12 things I’m looking forward to in the year 2012:

  1. My husband and I will be celebrating 5 years of married life in April.
  2. Our kids join kindergarten at a regular school in June.
  3. I turn 30 in October. EEKS!
  4. Our kids turn 5 in December.
  5. A 3-part blog series on our kids starting January 30th.
  6. Developing a habit a month – look for a blog post every month, starting January 11th.
  7. More baking – I started baking only late last year & I’m definitely looking to get better at it.
  8. My new planner – I love how I’m able to organize my life with just a pen and a book.
  9. A new Bible study starting January 15th. Visit Good Morning Girls for more information.
  10. A better morning routine – ideally including some time alone with God, exercise and planning for the day. Visit Inspired to Action for more details and a free ebook.
  11. Better financial sense. We’re looking to be spend less and save more. Check out Money Saving Mom – she gives great practical financial advice.
  12. More reading – I’ve gathered dozens of free PDF ebooks and hundreds more on my PC Kindle app. This year, I’m hoping to reignite my favorite hobby and dive into my reading list.

I would love to know what you are looking forward to in 2012. Would you care to share with us in the comments?

I am linking up with:

  Growing Home 

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A New Year 2012

We rang in the new year at my in-laws’ this year – about 650 kilometers (400 miles) away from our home & church. Although the house was brimming with an abundance of love & kids, sickness took a toll on us. With my husband, our kids and my sister-in-law’s kids falling sick, there wasn’t much fanfare in my husband’s family home on January 1, 2012.

My husband and I missed the midnight New Year service at our church back home, but we were only too glad to attend the nearest service with my sister-in-law (or maybe I should say sister-in-love :)). The service was in Tamil – and though I found it a bit hard to follow at times, the preacher’s message on “God’s Grace” was truly a blessing.

The following morning, I felt the need to wait at God’s feet for a personal word from Him. I flipped through to the book of Philippians in the Bible, and God spoke – verse by verse to every area of my life where I needed a word. Below I share those verses with you, hoping they will encourage and strengthen your faith as you begin this year.

MARRIAGE: “…being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:2-4)

HOMEMAKING: “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.” (Philippians 2:14)

KIDS: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

MYSELF: “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

FINANCES: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Here’s wishing you a happy & blessed 2012. May God give you the best He has in store for you this year!

I’m linking up with:

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Free eBook: Surprised by Life

Over the past week, I have come across quite a few free eBooks through other blogs I follow. One such free eBook I shared with you last week – have you downloaded your free copy of Hope for the Weary Mom yet? I like to share these books with you because I have truly been inspired through them.

Today I am sharing yet another eBook that I downloaded and finished reading just this evening. It is titled “Surprised by Life: Five Ways to Respond Well When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned ”

I believe that at some point or the other, we have all been “Surprised by Life”. Some surprises might be good…. A new job, a promotion, recognition, a gift… And other surprises might be, well… not so good… Death of a loved one, illness, a multiple pregnancy :)…

Brooke McGlothlin, the author of Surprised by Life, gives us 5 positive ways we can respond when life takes us by surprise & things don’t go the way we’ve planned. This short eBook takes us through the beginning of the Christmas story – where the angel Gabriel visits Mary. Reflecting on Mary’s response to the angel’s surprise announcement, this eBook gives us a deeper insight on what we could do when life brings something unexpected our way. A good read this Christmas season!

To receive a FREE copy of this eBook (PDF download), all you have to do is sign up for Brooke’s e-newsletter. You will receive the download link in the verification & welcome emails that are subsequently sent to your inbox. And while you are at it, check out Brooke’s blog A Life in Need of Change – I have personally been blessed by her blog.

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Lessons from a Fallen Tree

Our first Christmas together as a family was spent with our babies in the NICU. Our second Christmas, we were just happy to make it to our church’s Christmas service on time with our triplets in tow! So, last year (our third Christmas), my husband decided that it was finally time to celebrate Christmas in our house.

My husband (with little or no help from me) got the tree up & decorated the house as well. His enthusiasm was infectious & eventually the skeptic in me (that thought the kids were too young for a tree) was silenced. End of the day, the tree was up – decked with ornaments and lights.

Fast forward to the following evening. The sons were really excited about the tree and the lights and in a sudden surge of energy, thought it would be a grand idea to tug the tree a little bit. Needless to say, a little tug by rambunctious 3-year old triplets brought the tree crashing down, lights and all!

A hundred thoughts ran through my mind – and I am ashamed to admit, the most prominent one was that maybe we shouldn’t have put the tree up at all :(. I admonished the sons and sent them to their room to await Dad’s arrival. Dada dearest of course had no hard feelings save a stern warning to the sons. He proceeded to put the tree up again and tied it securely to the nearest entertainment center/bookshelf.

We learnt a lot of things from the “Fallen Tree” incident (atleast I did). Here’s what we did differently this year!

  • I made an effort to have a positive attitude (even if the sons were to bring the tree down again!).
  • We found an online family friendly radio station that provided background Christmas music for our decorating session.
  • We got our sons to help decorate the tree. They were only too happy to help!
  • We seized every opportunity to remind the boys that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birthday.

Its been 3 days, and the tree is still standing – although once in a while we do find a son sneaking off with an ornament or two :D. Will it stay upright until tomorrow? I really can’t say… But even if it doesn’t, we’ll still savor the memory of decorating the house together as a family this Christmas.

I am linking up with:

Growing Home

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Child, Arise!

“…And grasping her hand, He called, saying, Child, arise…” (Luke 8: 54)

Once in a while (and all too often for mothers of 3 little boys) we all end up down in the dumps. Physically, emotionally and spiritually…

You have reached your breaking point
Bad things happen…
Aches and pains are all you feel…
Difficult circumstances remain unchanged…
You are in the lowest point of your life…

And you realize there’s no where to go but up… No where to look but to Him

But, when you do… you realize there is HOPE. When He opens our eyes – we see not the harsh dark reality we are living in… But Him – and only Him.

He who promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
He “who daily bears our burdens” (Psalm 68:19).
He whose “strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

And when we look to Him, we see His outstretched hands… We see our Father reaching out… We hear Him say “Child, Arise!“.

Child, arise

Our circumstances may not change, our pains may not disappear, but we can still choose to obey Him when He says, “Child, Arise!”.

Some practical ways to “arise” :

  • Kick self-pity out the door.
  • Tell yourself you’ve had enough & it’s time for an attitude change. It’s time to look up!
  • Get yourself a glass of water… or a cup of tea/coffee.
  • If you haven’t had a decent meal in a few hours, go eat something.
  • Browse through your Bible… even if it’s just to read those verses you may have marked a long  time back.
  • Get out of your rut. Go outside – take a walk, or a drive.
  • If you can’t get out, take a few minutes to just look out the window.
  • Thank God. But don’t just ‘think’ about what you are thankful for… Write down/type out what you are thankful for. It makes a difference, trust me!
  • Talk to someone – your spouse, friend, colleague, pastor, sibling, parent…
  • Pray! That’s what it all comes down to. That’s where our hope remains. Hang in there. Jesus Never Fails!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

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How Many Kings?

Last week, I came across a list of Top Ten Songs That Teach The True Meaning Of Christmas on Muthering Heights. This song was the first I heard from the list and it is one of the most beautiful Christmas songs I have heard till date.

Click here if you’re unable to view the video below.


Follow the star to a place unexpected
Would you believe after all we’ve projected
A child in a manger
Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliness hero, wrapped in his mothers shawl
Just a child
Is this who we’ve waited for?

Cause how many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many Gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?

Bringing our gifts for the newborn savior
All that we have whether costly or meek
Because we believe
Gold for his honor and frankincense for his pleasure
And myrrh for the cross he’ll suffer
Do you believe, is this who we’ve waited for?
It’s who we’ve waited for

How many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many Gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Only one did that for me

All for me, All for you…


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Handy Helpers

This morning, after my husband left for work, I started our hectic morning routine – getting all 3 sons up and ready for school within an hour. It is a pretty strenuous hour, but we generally get it done and make it to school on time.

Unless one of the these happens

  • I can’t find one of their shoes.
  • All 3 boys need to use the bathroom at the last minute.
  • One of them feels sick.
  • Somebody throws up all over the living room carpet.
  • They flat out refuse to go to school.

…you know, normal stuff 🙂 …

But then today, this happened

No, don’t freak out as yet… None of the kids broke their legs… Neither is mine bandaged in a cast… However, we did have a minor incident this morning. One of the wooden cabinet doors fell off its hinges – onto my foot. Needless to say, I cried out in pain and collapsed in tears on the floor.

I sat on the floor for a few minutes waiting for the pain to subside, but it didn’t. I looked around to see my boys with a grief stricken expression on their faces. They looked scared, concerned and helpless. I assured them I was OK, but in a lot of pain. Gathering my wits around me I tried to get myself off the floor. But when the pain started shooting up again, I knew I needed help.

ENTER: My 3 Handy Helpers

I asked the sons to bring me my phone from the other room. Jason & Jon scurried off to find my phone (probably glad to be of some help) while Judah remained nearby. Jason returned with my phone & Jon brought me a couple of cloth napkins (I have no idea why he brought napkins, but appreciated his desire to help alleviate my suffering).

A quick call to my husband and he was on his way home – he’s such a lifesaver! Have I mentioned that I love him? 😉 Well, I still had to get the sons ready for school by the time hubby dearest reached home. I made yet another attempt to get up and successfully hobbled over to the edge of the nearest bed. My lovely boys listened to my every word (wonder of wonders!) and hurried to carry out my instructions. They got dressed with little or no help from me and they even helped each other out :).

ENTER: My Prince Charming

By the time the kids were dressed, we heard a knock on the door. Judah hastened to open the door to admit my husband. All 3 sons, speaking at the same time, brought my husband up to date as to my plight. Husband took over from there. He brought me an ice pack & sprayed my foot with a pain reliever before leading the sons in a prayer for me. He combed their hair, picked up their bags and proceeded to take them to school. Crisis resolved!

Today, I am thankful… For a husband who would sacrifice anything on this earth to hurry back home when he is needed. And for 3 beautiful boys who are thoughtful, kind and helpful when the need arises.

What are you thankful for today?

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Candid Conversations

My husband and I constantly try to teach our sons the importance of God in our lives. But sometimes we wonder whether they really do understand how personal God is to each one of us, individually. And then they “talk” to God – so innocent & child-like (as only children can), that it makes us wonder if they are actually teaching us something much more deeper…

Here is a sampling of what each of our sons say – as they literally “talk” to God in a very personal way.


Jason: Mama, where is Jesus?
Me: Jesus is in your heart, baby…
Jason: Mama, I want to see Jesus!
Me: Ask Him, Jason… Tell Jesus you want to see Him.
Jason (in a sing-song voice): Jesus! Where are You???!!!! I want to see You!!


(after a major fall & a badly bruised foot)
Binny (to the other boys): Shall we pray and ask Jesus to heal Jon?
Jon: Dada, Jon already talked to Jesus… Jon asked Jesus… Jesus healed Jon’s leg!


(peeping out the door at the sky on a rainy day)
Judah: Jesus, please switch off the rain… Judah wants to go out and play!

Now, if only I could learn to “talk” to Jesus with child-like faith as our sons do!!!

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