Monthly Goals: June

A new month and it’s time to set some new goals. But first an update on last month’s goals.

My goals for the month of May were:

  1. Start on the Good Morning Girls Proverbs 31 Bible Study. — Done
  2. Finish reading Pursuit of Proverbs 31— Done
  3. Participate in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons at The MOB Society. — Pending {I started out with a bang, but it fizzled out when we were travelling}
  4. Read A Confident Heart and participate in the online study. — On Track
  5. Finish reading The 5 Love Languages of Children. — Done
  6. Read through The Love & Respect Experience with my husband. — In Progress
  7. Teach the kids to recite John 3:16. — Done
  8. Teach the kids phonics (Letters K-T). — Done
  9. Organize the rest of the e-books on our laptop. — Done
  10. Memorize Romans 12:10-13— Done

My goals for the month of June are:

  1. Stay up to date with the Good Morning Girls Proverbs 31 Bible Study.
  2. Pray God’s Word over my sons everyday, using June’s prayer calendar provided by The MOB Society.
  3. Finish reading 21 Days of Prayer for Sons.
  4. Finish reading A Confident Heart.
  5. Read through The Love & Respect Experience with my husband.
  6. Teach the kids to recite Matthew 6:9-11 (First half of the Lord’s prayer).
  7. Teach the kids phonics (Letters U-Z).
  8. Teach the kids cursive writing (Letter A).
  9. Organize all the books on my Kindle for PC app {I’ve got more than 1000 free books in there :)}
  10. Memorize scripture.

“She comforts, encourages, and does him only good as long as there is life within her.” (Proverbs 31:12)

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)

“Do everything without complaining or arguing.” (Philippians 2:14)

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:35-36)

Do you have the habit of setting weekly/monthly goals? If you do, how did you do last month? If you don’t, how do you keep track of things you need to get done?

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Counting My Blessings: 160 to 183

Here I am, ending yet another month on a positive note… Concluding May’s Joy Dare, on a quest to count One Thousand Gifts I am thankful for.

A Gift in a Plate, Pot, Package

160. Leftover pizza.
161. Chicken cooking in Italian sauce.
162. A birthday gift for a little girl.

3 Gifts Hard Giving Thanks For

163. Strong-willed boys.
164. Fading memories of a loved one.
165. Hot and humid weather.

A Gift Worn, White, Whispered

166. A comfortable skirt.
167. Curd rice.
168. Sweet entreaties.

3 Gifts found in Church

169. An atmosphere of worship.
170. Inspiration for the week ahead.
171. Fellowship with friends.

3 Gifts in today’s Work

172. Clean Dishes.
173. A long walk with the kids.
174. Ebooks, neatly organized.

A Gift at 8AM, 12PM, 8PM

175. The Proverbs 31 Bible study.
176. Singing and exercising with my sons.
177. My husband teaching our sons to read {priceless :)}.

3 Gifts Blue

178. A view of blue skies on my morning run.
179. The lids on my kitchen storage containers.
180. The progress bar on my Kindle for PC app.

3 Gifts you Gave today

181. My attention.
182. A bowl of oatmeal.
183. A tight kiss.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

Counting My Blessings: 160 to 183 Read More »

A Habit A Month: May

Okay… So I never got around to posting this at the beginning of this month, but I have been working on a habit all through the month of May. In spite of the craziness of summer vacation, trips, events and sickness; this habit kind of stuck throughout the month.

This month, I worked on memorizing scripture. Memorizing Romans 12:10-13 was the last item on my monthly goals list. Well, it’s made such a difference in my personal life, that I’m making it a habit to memorize a few verses every month.

It all started one Sunday, when my pastor rattled off several verses in John Chapter 1 from his memory. I was amazed! I tried to recollect when last I had memorized a verse from the Bible. Ashamed to say, it’s been more than a decade!

I figured, since I was already teaching the kids to memorize scripture, I should do so as well. I proceeded to read the Bible, and I came across the verses in Romans 12. I felt God’s nudging that this was important advice He wanted me to follow for life. I wrote the verses down in my planner to be memorized by the end of this month.

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:10-13)

A few days later, as I was reading A Confident Heart, I came across this verse…

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

I immediately knew God wanted me to memorize this verse. It would serve as a constant reminder every time doubt or insecurity threatened to ruin my peace. I wrote down the verse on a white board and placed it on my desk.

A little later, I was having a particularly difficult time with the kids. As I perched precariously, on the verge of an emotional breakdown; this very verse caught my eye. God reminded me that He knew my sons – He had set them apart, even before they were born. My sons have a high calling ahead of them, and it was my responsibility to raise them up right.

Memorizing scripture has made a huge impact in my life this month. Here are five methods I used to memorize verses from the Bible:

  1. Writing the verses down on the first page of my planner, to be read regularly.
  2. Typing them out on a document on my desktop, for easy access.
  3. Writing down one verse at a time on a white board, and placing it in a prominent place on my desk.
  4. Running through the verses in my mind everyday.
  5. Reciting them out aloud.

I am so excited to making this habit last by including it in my list of goals each month. Have you ever thought of intentionally memorizing scripture? I encourage you to take the plunge and do it – you won’t be disappointed!

To Do: Include Bible verses in my monthly goals and memorize them every month.

To Read: Five Tips for Memorizing Scripture

To Ponder

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” (Deuteronomy 11:18)

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A Thousand Things – Christa Wells

If your tears have soaked many a pillow,
You wake up each morning with red-rimmed eyes.
If you’re waiting, pleading, wondering “Why?”,
Your weary cries seem to hit a blank wall.

Here’s a reminder that God is working a thousand things backstage. A thousand things we may not yet comprehend.

Be assured in His promise that He’s got good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). For weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning (Psalm 30:5b).

If you can’t view the video below, click here.


You’re gonna cry yourself to sleep,
You’re gonna soak the pillow for many weeks,
You’re gonna cry,
Why? Why me?

But in spite of the ache that doesn’t go away,
You’ll be sharing your story one rainy day,
And at the next table somebody catches your words,
He hears a truth that he’s never heard.

He takes it back to the marriage he’d given up on,
Hands it down to his daughter who writes it into song.

You didn’t know…

A thousand things are happening in this one thing,
Like a thousand fields nourished by a single drop of rain,
So honey, wrap yourself in promise,
While you wait the morning light.

A thousand things are happening tonight!

You’re gonna cry yourself to sleep,
‘Cause for the moment all that you can see,
Is what you’ve lost, lost,
Why me?

But in the midst of the most exquisite pain,
You’re drawn into a peace that you cannot explain,
And the praises you sing of a sovereign God,
Reach the girl whose last hope is gone.

She never thought there was purpose in anything here,
Now the seed has been planted and it’s taking root there.

You didn’t know…

A thousand things are happening in this one thing,
Like a thousand fields nourished by a single drop of rain,
So honey, wrap yourself in promise,
while you wait the morning light.

A thousand things are happening tonight!

You’re gonna cry yourself to sleep,
A thousand miracles you’ll have to wait and see…

Lyrics Courtesy: Christa Wells Music

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Counting My Blessings: 133 to 159

Through a week of travel, sickness and attempts to get the kids back on a schedule, I count on… Thanking God, one day at a time; participating in May’s Joy Dare.

3 Gifts about You

133. Faith in God.
134. Love for my family.
135. Eagerness to learn something new.

3 Gifts found in His Word

136. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

137. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

138. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

A Gift in a Box, a Bag, a Book

139. My father-in-law’s Dake Annotated Reference Bible, still in its box.
140. Snacks for the kids.
141. A huge volume of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

3 Gifts Unexpected

142. Workbooks for the kids.
143. An afternoon nap.
144. A can of honey.

3 Gifts from your Childhood

145. A love for reading.
146. Doting grandaunts.
147. An education.

A Gift Sweet, Sour, Salty

148. Chocolate chip cookies.
149. Tamarind paste.
150. Banana chips.

3 Gifts found in Little People

151. Little hands eager to help.
152. Little feet running, jumping, climbing, falling.
153. Little lips quick to utter “I love you”.

3 Gifts that made you Laugh

154. The cost of education, these days. {sarcasm intended ;)}
155. My husband’s excitement on playing a basketball game after a decade… and winning!
156. Asking the kids to thank God for one thing, and Judah proudly exclaims, “Thank you Jesus.. for one thing“.

3 Gifts found in Community

157. Honesty.
158. A listening ear.
159. Prayer support.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

Counting My Blessings: 133 to 159 Read More »

Counting My Blessings: 112 to 132

Amid the chaos that’s been life for the past few weeks, counting my daily blessings is what keeps me sane. When life starts to overwhelm me, this list reminds me that it’s the little things that truly matter. So, I count on… one thing at a time; thanking God for the simplest blessings that brighten up my day as part of May’s Joy Dare.

3 Gifts inside a Closet

112. My wedding shoes.
113. New toys saved up for later.
114. Five bags of outgrown clothes to be donated.

3 Gifts found in the Dark

115. Peace and tranquility.
116. A moment to enjoy the cool evening breeze.
117. Silhouettes of my family as we wait out a power cut.

A Gift Outside, Inside, Upside down

118. Clothes drying on the clothes line outside.
119. Husband working from home.
120. Our room as we pack for a vacation.

3 Gifts about your Parents

121. My mother’s heart of service.
122. My father’s love for music.
123. The gift of life God gave me, through them.

3 Gifts held in your Hand today

124. A son who wasn’t feeling so well.
125. My handbag.
126. A coconut I struggled to grate.

3 Gifts found in your Mother

127. Her dedication to share God’s word.
128. The love she has for my sons.
129. Her willingness to help those around her.

A Gift Picked up, Put away, Put back

130. A broken toy wheel.
131. Clean, folded laundry.
132. Leftover banana chips.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

Counting My Blessings: 112 to 132 Read More »

Counting My Blessings: 91 to 111

Counting my blessings for the past month has changed how I perceive my life – in more ways than I could have possibly imagined. It’s the little things that truly matter; and when we take time to thank God for them, we find that we’re surrounded by more blessings than we can possibly count! You can download May’s Joy Dare here.

Continuing to count the little things that enrich my life…

3 Gifts Tasted

91. Coffee {Pure Bliss}.
92. Chocolate chip cookies.
93. Hot & spicy gravy.

3 Gifts Flat

94. Smooth marble flooring.
95. The kitchen counter.
96. A closed laptop.

3 Gifts found in Difficult People

97. Patience learnt.
98. Anger controlled.
99. Forgiveness freely given.

3 Gifts before 9AM

100. 3 kids, sound asleep.
101. Rays of sunshine streaming into our living room.
102. My husband, our breadwinner.

A Gift in a Sign, a Smile, a Snack

103. Heartbeats – a sign that they’re still breathing.
104. A tender smile from my beloved, for my eyes only :).
105. Leftover pasta.

3 Gifts found in Christ

106. Unconditional love.
107. Undeserved grace.
108. Strength in my weakness.

3 Gifts about your Home

109. The front balcony.
110. A spacious room for the kids.
111. Ample storage space.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

Counting My Blessings: 91 to 111 Read More »

Monthly Goals: May

May has begun! How did you all do last month? Frankly, I didn’t get much done… But here’s a summary, anyway :D.

My goals for the month of April were:

  1. Complete the Good Morning Girls Ephesians Bible Study. — Done
  2. Stay up to date with the Pursuit of Proverbs 31 book study at Joyful Mothering. — On Track
  3. Complete Time-Warp Wife’s Bible Study on the book of Ruth. — Done
  4. Read The 5 Love Languages of Children. — In Progress
  5. Read through The Love & Respect Experience with my husband. — In Progress
  6. Teach the kids to recite Psalm 23:5. — Done {We did better than I expected and completed verse 6 as well! :)}
  7. Introduce the kids to cursive writing (Letters A-E). — Pending {Our attempt at cursive writing turned out to be frustrating for all of us. We’re putting this on hold until June}
  8. Introduce the kids to phonics (Letters A-E). — Done {We did better than expected; they’ve learnt the sounds for letters A-J}
  9. Organize all the e-books I’ve downloaded onto our laptop. — In Progress {It’s about 50% complete}

My goals for the month of May are:

  1. Start on the Good Morning Girls Proverbs 31 Bible Study.
  2. Finish reading Pursuit of Proverbs 31.
  3. Participate in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons at The MOB Society.
  4. Read A Confident Heart and participate in the online study.
  5. Finish reading The 5 Love Languages of Children.
  6. Read through The Love & Respect Experience with my husband.
  7. Teach the kids to recite John 3:16.
  8. Teach the kids phonics (Letters K-T).
  9. Organize the rest of the e-books on our laptop.
  10. Memorize Romans 12:10-13.

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

Do you have the habit of setting weekly/monthly goals? If you do, how did you do last month? If you don’t, how do you keep track of things you need to get done?

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Counting My Blessings: 61 to 90

Continuing to count my blessings for April’s Joy Dare

3 Gifts Found in Christ

61. His unchanging love.
62. The abundance of His grace.
63. The gift of salvation, through His sacrifice on the cross.

3 Gifts Close

64. Well behaved sons who sat with us in church.
65. God’s word, always there; just when I need it.
66. Our church community.

3 Gifts Reflecting

67. A mirror.
68. My youngest, checking out his reflection in a stainless steel bowl.
69. The shelves on our entertainment center.

3 Gifts Fragile

70. Eggs.
71. My sons’ feelings.
72. Glass cups.

A Gift Cloth, Steel, Wood

73. A well worn wrap around skirt.
74. Spectacle frames.
75. Our multi-purpose dining table.

3 Gifts Moving

76. Our car.
77. Time – 5 years of marriage flying by.
78. Three pairs of hyperactive feet.

3 Gifts Ugly Beautiful

79. Our living room strewn with lego blocks.
80. The kitchen, after a successful cooking session.
81. An overflowing laundry basket.

3 Gifts Orange

82. 3 orange pencils.
83. A plastic hammer.
84. A favorite shirt, donated after more than a decade.

3 Gifts in Dirt

85. Rain water puddles.
86. 3 pairs of sandals caked with dirt.
87. Crunchy gravel beneath our feet.

A Gift Given, Made, Sacrificed

88. My Amplified Bible.
89. A less-than-perfect photo frame made with the help of my sons.
90. My husband sacrificing his comfort, so I can get uninterrupted sleep.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

Counting My Blessings: 61 to 90 Read More »

A Habit A Month: April Update

In the beginning of April, I posted that I was going to make it a habit to treat my kids gently. I knew, that with them at home all day during the summer vacation, there’d be a whole lot of CRAZY going on. I wanted to spend this month being patient with them and not losing my mind when they drive me up the wall.

The downside of being patient with the kids and not getting angry with them, is that they tend to take things I say very lightly. I soon learnt that I would have to be firm and consistent in disciplining them, if I wanted them to obey. I also learnt that I could raise my voice to get their attention, without getting angry.

The more time I spent with them, the more secure they felt, and they were all the more eager to please me and listen to things I said. I also learnt to show my love to them, irrespective of their behavior. This meant that every time they were disciplined, I would explain to them why they were being punished. And after the punishment, I would take a few moments to cherish the child, and show him that I love him.

I’ve been reading the book “The 5 Love Languages of Children” and I’ve tried to incorporate some of the principles I’ve learnt. A love language is basically a means to show someone you love them. Most children under the age of 5 need to be shown all the love languages. For those who aren’t aware, here’s a list of the 5 Love Languages and how I incorporated them into our daily routine with the kids.

1. Physical Touch

When I give the kids a hug or a kiss, rub their backs, smoothen their hair, or let them sit on my lap for a while; it assures them of my love and they feel secure.

2. Words of Affirmation

The sons are thrilled when I thank them for a job well done or when I appreciate their efforts – especially when they play together or help a brother out.

3. Quality Time

This was a bit of a struggle because it’s almost impossible for me to spend one-on-one time with each of my triplets. But if I can, I try to sit and talk to the son who wakes up first. They love it when I sit on the mat with them, and we play legos together :).

4. Gifts

We don’t like to pamper the kids with toys, but we did buy them board games that we can play together as a family. At times, when we find them on their best behavior, my husband also surprises the kids with chocolates or chips. A few times a year we do buy them some toys – cars, puzzles or something a bit more realistic like a plastic tool set.

5. Acts of Service

I’m not sure the kids actually appreciate all the time I spend cooking, washing and cleaning. But they do appreciate the time I spend teaching them. Most mornings, we spend a good 30-40 minutes learning verses, phonics, alphabets, numbers and writing. We also read a book or two together – I think that falls under Quality Time; but either way, the kids love it… and I do too.

The idea behind the love languages, is that the kids’ love tank is filled when we show them our love – and they heed to correction and are less rebellious. Check out “The 5 Love Languages” website for more information.

Altogether, I think God was teaching me quite a few character traits – patience, being slow to anger, being quick to forgive & how to show grace even when the recipient didn’t deserve it. I’m still a work in progress, but at least I’m all set for the second half of our summer vacation :).

To Do: Work towards spending one-on-one time with each son.

To Read: The Gentleness Challenge

To Ponder

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

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