2017: The Year to Remain

2017: The Year to Remain

We’re 2 months and 10 days into the “new” year. The novelty of a fresh beginning has worn off, and so have many plans, goals and resolutions.

The one thing I wanted for 2017… was that it wouldn’t be a repeat of 2016. (Strange, I know!)

Last year was a roller-coaster ride that I didn’t quite enjoy at all. My husband was deputed overseas, the kids faced numerous health issues, and I honestly struggled on a daily basis.

For months I wrestled with God as desperate prayers remained unanswered. I’m ashamed to admit, at times I felt God was determined to make my life miserable.

But something beautiful did come out of all that brokenness and pain…

I drew closer to God than ever before.

When nobody else could help me, I realized it was God I truly needed.

The words, “Lord, I need you… Help me. I can’t do this without you…” became my constant refrain. Life did not magically become easier. But I did become more aware of God’s presence on a day to day basis, and my prayers transformed into a never ending conversation with Him.

Late last year, when I asked God what He wanted from me in 2017, He gave me the word “Remain”.

I had been busy striving hard, using every physical, emotional and spiritual muscle I possessed… but all God needed from me was to simply remain.

Remain in His presence…

Remain in His will for our family…

Remain in constant communion with Him…

Remain in His Word…

Remain steadfast in faith…

Remain His daughter…

Remain in His unending love for me.

My husband is still away at work, the boys are still a handful, and I still struggle to do it all.

But through it all, God’s been faithful.

His grace is always enough. His love is all we need.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

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35 Things I Love About You

I’ve come out of blog hibernation (a rather extended, unintended blog break) today, to pen down my annual post celebrating my husband on his birthday.

I know it probably sounds cheesy to many, but this is one way I get to tell my husband how much I love him. Also, people get to know what a great guy he is! 😉

Truth is, when I write thousands of words on a weekly basis for others as part of my job, I could certainly make time to write 500 words about the guy I love and admire at least once a year.

I thought it would be difficult to write a new post from scratch in less than an hour. But what do you know… once I got started, I couldn’t really stop!

So, here we go…

35 Things I Love About You

  1. That you plan to have fun, even though you’re not a planner by nature.
  2. When you use endearing terms on me that are usually reserved for luxury cars and bikes you admire 😉 .
  3. That you take time to play carrom with the kids.
  4. For buying me cake, flowers and a card for my birthday, which I didn’t quite want to celebrate.
  5. That you practically try to make life easier for our parents.
  6. Your insane workout sessions.
  7. That you are eager to learn new skills…
  8. …and improve existing ones.
  9. The way you’re cautious not to let your talents waste away.
  10. For being my mouse-terminator.
  11. For braving the Chennai floods…
  12. …and driving through high waters.
  13. For planning all the fun things we were supposed to do in Chennai.
  14. The way you made it up to the kids when we had to cut our Chennai trip short.
  15. The way you keep hounding me to get a dog.
  16. The times you taught the sons their Math lessons.
  17. For the Computer practical session you conducted for the boys.
  18. The way you get the kids to be reasonable in their requests.
  19. That you took the effort to handpick a birthday card for me.
  20. The way you invest in your own well-being.
  21. For getting me to think logically when i forget 😛 .
  22. The alarms you set on your phone that remind you to leave office on time.
  23. That the alarm reads “Time with Kids”.
  24. How you prioritize spending time with the kids over homework or chores.
  25. That you’ll sit up late with the kids and watch a superhero movie…
  26. …even if you have wake up early the next day to drive hundreds of kilometers.
  27. For the many selfies you’ve taken of us – with and without the kids.
  28. The way you were cautious to get a military cover for your phone before it could crack further.
  29. That you think my chappathis are better than others’. LOL!
  30. The way you genuinely believed the paneer I cooked was the best you’d ever tasted.
  31. The Rottikallu trip – our first real vacation in like, forever.
  32. The way you got your dad to play the keyboard after ages.
  33. That you support me when I tell you something God said.
  34. That you hired a part-time cook for me.
  35. That you actually taught the kids how to moonwalk today.

Love that I get to be your wife!

To all the married women out there…
Go ahead, write a note, a text, an email.
Let your husband know all that you love about him.
You’ll be glad you did!

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10 Fun Things We Did This Summer

10 Fun Things We Did This Summer

It’s been 5 weeks since school reopened for our boys.

We’re back to waking up early, tighter schedules, packed lunches, homework, and early bed times.

Saying it’s a whirlwind, is putting it mildly… 😀

Although we prepared for the transition from summer to school, it has hit us pretty hard and we’re only now getting used to the new routines.

The summer feels long-gone already. But before I push the events of this summer back into the recesses of my mind, I wanted to jot them down here, and relive those memories once again.

We intentionally took time off from the daily monotony this summer, and truly enjoyed ourselves as a family. And we didn’t even have to leave the city to do it!

So, here are the 10 fun things we did this summer… in no particular order.

1. A Week of Worship, Word & Prayer

We started the summer off with a week of fasting and prayer at church. We had some amazing speakers throughout the week. It was refreshing to spend everyday worshiping and learning together in the presence of the Lord.

2. Bob Fitts Concert

We also had Bob Fitts leading worship throughout the same week. Apart from the regular worship sessions, we also had a special concert the evening before Easter. I was personally inspired by the way Kathi Fitts stood alongside her husband, supporting and serving him as He served God.

The boys with Bob and Kathi Fitts

At the end of the concert we got to meet the couple in person and get our CDs autographed! 🙂

3. Vacation Bible School

No summer is complete without VBS at church. This was the second year our kids got to attend, and they loved every minute of it! The theme this year was putting God’s love into action which was emphasized through music, dance, stories, skits and crafts.

4. The Avengers Movie

We’re all superhero fans in the family, so once we knew the second Avengers movie was out, we had to go see it. I did a background check on the movie to ensure my 7 year olds could watch it. Captain America disparaged any foul language in the movie and the Indian censor board did a good job of bleeping them out too!

Kids posing with a abike

After having their fill of popcorn at the movie, the kids browsed around the mall for a little while. They couldn’t resist going in to see a cruiser that was displayed at a TGIF outlet.

5. Bowling

May Day was fun as we all got a day off work. We met friends at the bowling alley and had a good time. This is only the second time I’ve been bowling in my entire life, and I’m absolutely no good at it! 😀

The kids had a lane for themselves, and they had a blast too. They followed it up with a quick detour to play a few video games, and then we all headed out for a nice meaty lunch.

6. Metro Ride

We’ve never been on the metro in our city, although it’s been operational for a couple of years. We decided a metro ride would be the perfect way to end the day out. The kids loved every minute of the ride, and surprisingly, so did I.

7. Auto Show

With a husband and sons who are crazy about bikes and cars, they’ll find every excuse to drag me to interesting events across the city. In this year’s auto show, we got to see a bunch of vintage cars and other fancy automobiles.

Posing in orange!

The highlight of the evening was a bike stunt riding team that kept our adrenaline high for almost an hour.

8. Football Camp

My husband is a huge football fan who never misses a chance to better his game. Since the kids’ school had a football camp this summer, we enrolled all three of them for just two weeks.

Jason, Jon and Judah learnt the basics of how to kick, tackle and pass the football. There were quite a few falls and bruises, but they are learning to take it in their stride.

9. Couple’s Night Out

For the first time since our wedding 8 years back, my husband and I left the kids at home and spent 24 hours by ourselves. My mother was visiting, so we knew the kids were in good hands.

We checked into a nearby hotel and spent quality time together. We did find it a bit weird at first – not having kids around to correct, convince or comfort… But we soon got used to it and enjoyed our 24 hour getaway.

10. A Day at the Pool

Since we did take a day off as husband and wife, we didn’t want the kids to feel left out. The very next week, we headed back to the same hotel, kids in tow.

The family at the pool

We spent the majority of the day at the pool, taking a break only to have a nice buffet lunch. The kids loved the water, and even put up with my feeble attempts to teach them swimming.

It was a lovely summer, probably the best we’ve ever had. A big chunk of our fun time was spent in church, which made it all the more special.

One important thing we realized was that, unless we considered something important, we’d never make time for it. Things were just not going to happen on their own. We had to be intentional and make them happen!

Surprisingly, my husband’s impromptu nature and my detailed planning skills both played a part in how this summer turned out!

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3 Reasons Why I Like Being a Work at Home Mom

3 Reasons Why I Like Being a Work at Home Mom

The Back Story

Once upon a time (when I was 14, to be exact) I decided I wanted to become a computer programmer. The following years were spent preparing for a future in the IT industry.

I chose the Computer Science track for my final years of school, and completed my Masters in Software Engineering too. During my last year in college, I even got placed in a good IT company.

I thought I had it all.

But then my dream crumbled, and I realized corporate life did not give me the satisfaction I craved. I loved being employed though, and grumbled a lot when I had to give up my job to become a full-time mother of triplets.

Eventually, God helped me embrace my role as a wife, mother and homemaker. But 2 years ago, He also unexpectedly gave me the opportunity to work part time from home.

I now have the best of both worlds. I get to work, AND be there for my kids.

While there are challenges in trying to balance a work at home career, there are three specific reasons I prefer working from home.

3 Reasons Why I Like Being a Work at Home Mom

1. I get to use my talents

I remember creating my first website in college. We had to type in raw HTML code into a notepad and open it in a browser. My, how times have changed!

Setting up a simple blog takes less than an hour these days. Although I don’t deal with a lot of code now, I still get to fiddle around with HTML and CSS once in a while. I get to use the logic-oriented side of my brain to lay out web pages based on the instructions given to me.

I also rediscovered my love for writing when I started blogging, which has branched out into content writing for client websites. Writing code and content online – that is pretty much my sweet spot right there!

2. I get to stay home

Hiring a full-time cook/nanny/housekeeper is expensive, as is daycare for 3 children. We bypass these expenses because I’m always at home.

I usually work when the kids are at school, but my work hours are flexible to accommodate real life. This comes in handy when the kids fall sick, unexpected guests drop in, or even if we have to travel to visit my parents or in-laws in another state.

I can work from anywhere, provided I have my laptop and an internet connection. I’ve had to work extra hours to meet deadlines, but that is not the norm. I’m usually able to finish my work in time, so it doesn’t affect my other duties at home.

I salute those mothers who are up at the break of dawn to take care of their family’s needs before heading out to work. I wish I had that kind of stamina, but I know my limits. I’m well aware that working a whole day outside the house would leave me exhausted with nothing left to give for my family.

3. I get to be of help

Yes, I do get paid a reasonable sum. But that is not my incentive to work. I know that the work I do is personally benefiting someone else, and that’s what keeps me going. This is one essential factor that was sorely lacking at my corporate job.

Right now, I work solely for Sunu Philip – founder of Clothed In Scarlet and Get Found Online. I’m proud to say, she is both my employer and friend. Over the past couple of years we’ve developed an easy camaraderie as sisters in Christ, and I’m glad I can use my strengths to assist her with her business.

I don’t know how mothers who work full time outside the house do it all. Hats off to you! On the other hand, a huge applause to stay at home moms who’ve given up dreams and careers so they can savor the growth of their children first hand. Being a stay at home mom is a full time job in itself!

No doubt, the choice you’ve made is the best possible one for your family. Each of our circumstances are different, and we’ve each chosen to stay at home, work at home, or work outside the home based on what’s best for our family.

God has uniquely qualified and equipped you to do your best in all the roles you’ve undertaken. He will give you the grace to not just survive, but thrive!

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Free to Live

Free to Live

For the past couple of years, I’ve gotten into the habit of picking a word for each year.

My word for last year was Peace.

And the year before that, it was Persevere.

This year, I chose (or rather, God showed me) the word ‘Free’.

And the verse to guide me was:

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1

I was supposed to blog about this way back in January, but life happened and I let blogging slide :).

What I didn’t expect was the fight I had to put up in order to live free this year!

I always knew that Jesus had set me free. I was no longer bound by the chains that used to hold me. But I realized that I had allowed myself to come under the yoke again.

I was bound by stress, anxiety, fear, other people’s opinions, and so much more…

I spent the past three months, overcoming struggles I thought I had already overcome. I was fighting the same battles all over again.

You see, Jesus had already won the victory for me. Freedom was mine. But I was not walking in the freedom that Christ purchased for me on the cross.

I had to put to death some old habits, and put on some new ones.

I even wrote down some power words in my journal to remind myself of the freedom I had.

I’m sharing some of those words with you here, praying they empower you as well.

You are:

Free from sin.

Free from shame.

Free from guilt.

Free from anger.

Free from other’s opinions.

Free to live.

Free to give.

Free to worship.

Free to serve.

Free to be you.

Along with the freedom, comes responsibility. Christ set us free, so we may live lives that glorify Him. If we aren’t, our freedom serves no purpose.

When we don’t actively live for Christ, we allow old chains to bind us up again.

That isn’t a pleasant feeling, is it?

I hope you’ll join me in living free for God’s glory!

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2014: Year in Review

2014: Year in Review
The last couple of months in 2014 included a whirlwind of activities as is always the case. The kids’ exams, Christmas choir practices and a couple of weddings kept us on our toes. Now that the new year is upon us, I finally have time to reflect on the past year, and pray about what God wants from me in 2015.

If you’d like to review the past year as well, here are some questions to guide you.

1. What made you happy in 2014?

For me, it was seeing a picture of my husband leading the choir at a major conference. I was also simultaneously humbled and proud when one of our sons walked up on stage to collect his award for academic excellence. {I blogged about it here: Imperfect Parents; Perfect God}

2. What made you sad?

I didn’t like how my kids kept falling sick every month for the past 6 months. I also neglected the goals I set for myself and achieved only about 10% of them. {Pretty sad, eh?!}

3. What are you proud to have accomplished in 2014?

I’m glad I finally took the plunge and launched my own website in April. I’ve also made quite a bit of headway in reading through the Bible again.

2014, in review was a mixed bag. There were some important areas I neglected, some unexpected blessings and new ministry opportunities that have kept me clinging on to God with all my strength.

I chose “Peace” as my word for 2014, and boy did I need it! I didn’t always feel at peace when storms rocked my boat… but God kept reminding me that He was there with me, and He was going to carry me through.

As I tuck 2014 back into the recesses of my mind, I am grateful for the Prince of Peace who led our family safely through yet another year on this earth.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.

(Isaiah 26:3)

How was your 2014?


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Let. It. Go.

Let it go

I started this week with a heavy heart.

3 children I knew (one of them, my own) were going through 3 different struggles – physical, emotional and spiritual. My heart was burdened for them, and I did the only thing I possibly could – I prayed.

I went to sleep Sunday night very disturbed about what each of these little ones had to go through. And I woke up Monday morning with an even heavier heart.

The fact that I couldn’t do anything to help them only compounded my anxiety. I continued to pray, but my heart did not become any lighter.

As the day wore on, I was so consumed with thoughts of these children that it became exhausting. And then I heard it…

Let. It. Go.

I don’t always hear something very specifically from God, but there are times when He speaks so firmly into your spirit that you can’t deny it was Him.

This was one of those times.

That afternoon as I was pacing the footpath, waiting for the school bus to bring my boys back home, these 3 words took on a different meaning.

This wasn’t Elsa’s mantra, or a careless attitude. God seriously wanted me to let the kids go.

But why?

God reminded me that I was already praying for them; He held those precious children close to His bosom. He loved them more than I possibly could. He cared for them, and He could do for them what I personally could not.

Yes, I would continue to pray for them until my prayers are answered. But I would no longer worry about them.

I would offer to support them in any way I could, but I would not break my head over what I cannot do.

This whole episode taught me such a valuable lesson!

So often, we pray about situations that bother us but then continue to worry about them as well. Isn’t it sufficient that we’ve already placed our burden in the hands of an Almighty God? Why then do we constantly try to ease His load by holding on to the weight with our petite hands?

If we have truly surrendered our problems into His able hands, we should be able to rest and allow Him to do the impossible.

So, does that mean we do nothing?

Absolutely not!

We continue to pray…

We continue to do what God has asked us to do…

We continue to trust Him to work things out…

But we DO quit worrying!

Is there something burdening your heart today? Leave it in God’s hands, and then take your hands off!

Take a backseat, and let God steer you in the way He wants you to go!

“Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.”
(Philippians 4:6)


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What is Your Learning Style?

What is Your Learning Style?

Growing up, I was one of those weird kids who preferred the sound of silence over the sound of music. While friends and family members preferred to learn with music in the background, I found it way too distracting.

Well, I haven’t change much over the past couple of decades. Give me a quiet room and a good book, and I’ll be the happiest girl on the planet!

And then I had triplets…

3 loud, noisy boys who shattered all my dreams for quiet days, and silent nights! 😀

…and I was expected to give them an education amid all that noise! Let me tell you… it’s no fun at all. I am not a naturally gifted teacher, and I admit that I constantly struggle with teaching my sons.

Well, I eventually realized that each of them had their own style of learning. So, I couldn’t use a one-size-fits-all approach while teaching them their school lessons.

I’m still in the process of deciphering my boys’ learning styles, but I discovered it could be one of the following:

  1. Auditory
  2. Visual
  3. Kinesthetic

I came across this handy chart that helps us identify our personal learning styles. I realized that I’m a hard core visual learner, and my husband is probably an auditory/kinesthetic learner.

You should take the quiz too… It’s fun and interesting!

Learning Infographic

 Source: Online Education

Now I’m off to identify which learning style each of my sons prefer!


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34 Things I Love About You

It’s my husband’s birthday today… which means it’s that time of the year when I write a mushy blog post listing all the things I love about him 😉 .

{If you’d rather go read something else, I wouldn’t blame you! How about some inspiration, links I love, parenting stuff or stories about the trio?}

Well, here goes…

34 Things I Love About You

To the one my heart loves, here are 34 things I love about you!

  1. The way you look in a suit.
  2. Wrestling with you for the remote.
  3. Your taste in music that has {slightly} influenced mine.
  4. For accepting my limitations.
  5. That you are a responsible son / son-in-law.
  6. For listening to me when I vent out my frustrations.
  7. The times you’ve cooked when I’ve had a work deadline.
  8. For being someone I can look up to for spiritual guidance.
  9. For ordering pizza on nights I’m too tired to cook.
  10. The Saturdays you took the kids with you to church.
  11. For bringing your friends (and their wives) into my life.
  12. The times you’ve sneaked ice-cream into the house just for me.
  13. For doing the dishes when I burn my hand cooking.
  14. For chipping in with the cooking after I’ve burnt myself.
  15. When you tearfully chop onions for me.
  16. For dressing up the kids’ wounds every time they fall.
  17. The way you delight in imitating my quirkiness.
  18. For taking us out to 3D movies the kids will enjoy.
  19. The way you talk about cars & bikes with the boys.
  20. For taking us to the super bike show on Mother’s Day this year.
  21. For teaching the kids to respect me.
  22. The time you walked to work because you didn’t want to disturb the puppies snuggled up under the car.
  23. That you can keep your cool, even when the kids are pushing all your buttons.
  24. Your eagerness to gift the kids something new, once in a while.
  25. Your commitment to stay where God has placed you.
  26. For listening to my ramblings about days past.
  27. That you care for me more than I care for myself.
  28. The cross-trainer you plotted beforehand to buy me.
  29. For being my cockroach-slayer.
  30. The hands-on computer lesson you gave the kids.
  31. The way you share what God’s been telling you lately.
  32. The brunch date you planned for my birthday.
  33. For keeping a listening ear to what God wants for our family.
  34. The way you make me fall in love with you all over again, even after 7+ years!

I’m definitely blessed to be your wife!

To all the married women out there…
Go ahead, write a note, a text, an email.
Let your husband know all that you love about him.
You’ll be glad you did!


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Remember Who Holds You!

Remember Who Holds You!

My husband is an avid lover of music. When a singer he loves hits a particular note, the expressions on his face are priceless. I often wonder what it would feel like to be so enthralled by music.

Well, just recently I heard a song that did the same to me. No, it wasn’t the music that touched me, although it is quite good. It was the words…

As I heard about the One whose arms held me, and whose voice called out to me, it made me feel loved, protected and truly cherished. I certainly hope it encourages you too, today.

The Arms that Hold the Universe

If you can’t view the video above, click here.


I know it seems
Like this could be
The darkest day you’ve known
But believe you me
The God of strength
Will never let you go
He will overcome, I know

And the arms that hold the universe
Are holding you tonight
You can rest inside
It’s gonna be alright
And the voice that calmed the raging sea
Is calling you His child
So be still and know He’s in control
He will never let you go

Through many dangers, toils and snares
You have already come
His grace has brought you safe this far
(And) His grace will lead you home

And the arms that hold the universe
Are holding you tonight
You can rest inside
It’s gonna be alright
And the voice that calmed the raging sea
Is calling you His child
So be still and know He’s in control
He will never let you go

You can hope, you can rise, you can stand
He has still got the whole world in His hands
You can hope, you can rise, you can stand
He’s still got the whole world, the whole world in His hands

And the arms that hold the universe
Are holding you tonight
You can rest inside
It’s gonna be alright
And the voice that calmed the raging sea
Is calling you His child
So be still and know He’s in control
He will never let you go

He will never let you go!


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