35 Things I Love About You
I’ve come out of blog hibernation (a rather extended, unintended blog break) today, to pen down my annual post celebrating my husband on his birthday.
I know it probably sounds cheesy to many, but this is one way I get to tell my husband how much I love him. Also, people get to know what a great guy he is! 😉
Truth is, when I write thousands of words on a weekly basis for others as part of my job, I could certainly make time to write 500 words about the guy I love and admire at least once a year.
I thought it would be difficult to write a new post from scratch in less than an hour. But what do you know… once I got started, I couldn’t really stop!
So, here we go…
- That you plan to have fun, even though you’re not a planner by nature.
- When you use endearing terms on me that are usually reserved for luxury cars and bikes you admire 😉 .
- That you take time to play carrom with the kids.
- For buying me cake, flowers and a card for my birthday, which I didn’t quite want to celebrate.
- That you practically try to make life easier for our parents.
- Your insane workout sessions.
- That you are eager to learn new skills…
- …and improve existing ones.
- The way you’re cautious not to let your talents waste away.
- For being my mouse-terminator.
- For braving the Chennai floods…
- …and driving through high waters.
- For planning all the fun things we were supposed to do in Chennai.
- The way you made it up to the kids when we had to cut our Chennai trip short.
- The way you keep hounding me to get a dog.
- The times you taught the sons their Math lessons.
- For the Computer practical session you conducted for the boys.
- The way you get the kids to be reasonable in their requests.
- That you took the effort to handpick a birthday card for me.
- The way you invest in your own well-being.
- For getting me to think logically when i forget 😛 .
- The alarms you set on your phone that remind you to leave office on time.
- That the alarm reads “Time with Kids”.
- How you prioritize spending time with the kids over homework or chores.
- That you’ll sit up late with the kids and watch a superhero movie…
- …even if you have wake up early the next day to drive hundreds of kilometers.
- For the many selfies you’ve taken of us – with and without the kids.
- The way you were cautious to get a military cover for your phone before it could crack further.
- That you think my chappathis are better than others’. LOL!
- The way you genuinely believed the paneer I cooked was the best you’d ever tasted.
- The Rottikallu trip – our first real vacation in like, forever.
- The way you got your dad to play the keyboard after ages.
- That you support me when I tell you something God said.
- That you hired a part-time cook for me.
- That you actually taught the kids how to moonwalk today.
Love that I get to be your wife!
To all the married women out there…
Go ahead, write a note, a text, an email.
Let your husband know all that you love about him.
You’ll be glad you did!
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