Five Minute Friday: Again

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I swipe off the dust that’s settled on our bookshelf and arrange the books back in their place. I’m so proud of myself for doing a little something each day that will contribute towards my overall goal of keeping my home organized this year.

Two days later, I pull out one of the kids’ Bibles from the same shelf and it’s hard not to notice the layer of dust that’s settled down again. I’m upset and whine about it to my husband. How can so much dust enter a home in a residential area?! I dust the shelf again, vigorously this time, making sure I don’t miss a spot. Anybody would think I was warning the shelf not to get dusty again… for at least a month!

No matter how many times I dust the shelves, sweep the floors, tidy the rooms, wash the dishes or do the laundry, I’ve got to do it all over again within a day or two. Cleaning a house full of boys is like sweeping a road during a sandstorm! It makes absolutely no difference – or so I thought…

But then I had to examine my why… Why do I want to keep my house clean? God reminded me of my ministry as keeper of my home. The same verse that inspired my word for this year ran through my mind…

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

And so I pick up a pair of dirty socks, clear up yet another shelf, shine the mirrors, throw in a load of laundry and hustle to the kitchen to do the dishes before my boys get home.

Why do I do it, over and over again? Obviously not to win any “Home of the Year” awards, or appreciation from others. I do it because I love my family. After a stressful day at work or an emotional day at school, I want my husband and boys to enter a haven of comfort and rest. Home, for me is a sanctuary where Christ is honored; and family is loved, just the way they are.

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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #16

Here are 3 blog posts I found inspiring over the past week. Check them out?

1. Moms Are Modern Day Shepherds @ Good Morning Girls

2. She Sees, He Sees @ Walking Redeemed

3. Five Ways To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed By Your Goals @ Money Saving Mom

If you’ve read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!

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What Hinders Prayer?

Prayer is the language

One of the areas I am working on this year is prayer. Last year, I shared what a blessing praying for others is and specific steps to get started. I’m making it a habit to take some time off every day to just pray. However, making a commitment to pray is way easier than actually doing it. Over the past few months, I’ve come across three specific hindrances to prayer in my own life.

1. Lack of Time

This is without doubt the #1 reason we can’t spend time in prayer. Our days seem so full that there is simply no time left in the day to pray. Sure there may be several whispered prayers during the day, a family prayer or a simple prayer when we wake up or go to bed. If that is you, I encourage you to set apart a solid chunk of time in your day just to pray.

I’ve found that waking up before my family gives me a solid hour to read the Bible and pray. However, if you’re in a season of life where waking up early is not an option, look at your day and see where you can set apart just 5 – 10 minutes to pray. I realize you may be on a very tight schedule, but you cannot afford to not take time to pray.

2. Bitterness

We’ve all experienced the pain of a hurting heart. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook an offense, but when it’s someone we trust, the bitterness remains for a while and erodes us. While thinking about the offense might help if we’re trying to learn something from the experience, it usually doesn’t do us any good to keep thinking about it.

I’ve been there, harboring bitter, unforgiving feelings that totally wrecked my prayer life. God soon taught me that I was to forgive and bless the person who hurt me. Was it easy? No. And the memory still hurts sometimes. But it is something I have prayed about and put behind me, so it doesn’t hinder me from praying.

3. A Distracted Mind

Anybody else have a problem where you sit down to pray but end up thinking about what you need to buy at the supermarket? Nope? Well, it’s just me then :). There are three things that usually distract us – a situation that causes us worry, things we need to get done & inspiration/ideas we need to remember.

My solution for worry is two-fold. I ask myself the question, “Can I do something about the situation?” If the answer is no, I pray about it. If the answer is yes, I ask God to help me do it! I’ve also found that if I plan my day before my prayer time, I am less likely to be thinking about my to-do list during prayer. And then there are those thoughts that cross my mind – usually something God has taught me or a blog post idea. For those, I have a journal beside me where I jot my thoughts down, so I can elaborate later.

I still haven’t got it all figured out. I struggle everyday when my flesh threatens to ruin my prayer time. But I believe, God appreciates the effort we take in spending time with Him. And on those occasions when we sit down to pray but are overwhelmed, “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” (Romans 8:26)

What hinders your prayers? And how do you overcome those hindrances?

Photo Credit: Lel4nd

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Counting My Blessings: 866 to 886


“…for the Mighty One has done great things for me–holy is his name.” (Luke 1:49)

Every week, I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for. Join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

A Gift Worn, Given Away, Shared

866. My hair in a plait.
867. A pair of shoes.
868. Reading time with the kids.

3 Witnessed Blessings

869. One brother helping another who scraped his knee.
870. A wound that healed quickly.
871. Sons who are quick to get over an offense.

A Gift bringing Laughter, Prayer, Quiet

872. The boys giggling their way through a Hindi rhyme.
873. A prayer whispered while trying to teach my boys Hindi.
874. When I finally fell asleep.

3 Gifts from God’s Word

875. How to be a better parent.
876. How to be a better employee.
877. How to be a better boss.

3 Gifts that Might Never Have Been

878. Jason.
879. Jon.
880. Judah.

3 Gifts only Seen Close Up

881. My husband’s fingernails.
882. The boys’ dimples.
883. Tears running down a beautiful lady’s face.

A Gift in Sky, Water, Memory

884. Watching the clouds go by from my kitchen window.
885. Running water in the kitchen, no matter how cold.
886. Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with my husband at a class last evening.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

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Five Minute Friday: Cherished

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Once in a while, when I listen to a song like this, I feel cherished. I mean, I actually feel it, physically. It is that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart, when you know you are loved.

But that feeling doesn’t last all too often in our lives, does it? When reality buzzes in, the feeling vanishes and we tend to forget we are loved and cherished by our Father above.

All that made me think of how often I make my husband and sons feel cherished at home. Sure I cook, do their laundry, try to take care of their needs… But how often do I give my husband a proper kiss, instead of the more common 2-second peck? How often do I really hug my kids more than 5 seconds at a stretch?

So today, I am going to make my family feel cherished. I am going to kiss my husband as soon as he walks in the door… for so long, that he’s going to have to come up for air {blush!} And I’m gonna hug my boys so tight, they’ll struggle to let go. This might not happen everyday, but it sure is going to happen more often!

How are you going to make your loved ones feel cherished today?

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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #15

Here are 3 posts from the blog-o-sphere I’d like you to read. Check them out?

1. Winter Hello Mornings Challenge @ Hello Mornings {If you struggle with your morning routine, you need to take this challenge. I participated in the previous challenge and it has drastically improved my mornings! Read more about Hello Mornings here.}

2. Free E-book- Cultivating a Heart for Motherhood @ Grace Full Mama {A free e-book for mothers by a missionary wife & mother of 5, living in Indonesia!}

3. How I Know That You are a Good Mom @ Allume {If you’re quick to label yourself not good enough, this post is for you.}

If you’ve read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!

If you like what you’ve read and you don’t want to miss a future post, you can sign up to receive new blog posts by email, or in a reader.

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Love’s Memory: Book Review

Love’s Memory by Shannon O’Donnell is the first book of The Scotts of Mountain Ridge series. The book is about an ordinary family that is displaced from their home and faces a relationship crisis. The major part of the storyline revolves around the lady of the home, her insecurities and a God who helps her overcome them all. The book’s underlying theme is that God alone can give us hope and heal the hurting. A brilliantly woven tale of God’s grace and redemption.

Book Description from Amazon: “It is only when you lose yourself that you find out who you are.” Valerie Mahoney, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, falls deeply in love with basketball star Manny Scott. Against his parents’ wishes, the two wed and baby Wren soon follows. Years later adversity strikes and Manny begins questioning his youth decisions, including his love for his wife. Heartbroken, Valerie flees one night but a disastrous accident leaves her with amnesia. Distraught, Manny begins the desperate quest to find a wife who doesn’t recognize him and return her home. Experience this soul-stirring story of God’s redemptive power in LOVE’S MEMORY, Book One in the Scott’s of Mountain Ridge Series.

Love’s Memory has been called:

  • “Soul-stirring,”
  • “An inspiring story”
  • “Compelling, enthralling”
  • “Wonderfully suspenseful.”
  • “A true page turner.”
  • “Romance with a twist”

This book is a great gift for moms, dads, teens, fiction readers, romance lovers, and inspirational readers.

To celebrate the launch of Love’s Memory, the author is hosting a virtual book launch party and you’re invited!

When: January 15
WhereAuthor’s website

The author, Shannon O’Donnell wants to thank her readers with lots of free downloads and fun prizes at her website.

  • Download party favors: clip art, e-books, and blogging tips
  • Enter giveaways for jewelry, books, ad space, book editing, marketing, and loads of goodies
  • Free original art suitable for framing
  • Free quizzes and recipes
  • A contest to nominate best pet name for the author’s next book, Wren’s Song
  • Book giveaways by well-known authors: Amanda Beth, B. J. Robinson, Jeannette Oak, Jerusha Clark and more.
  • Free e-books… And more!

Check out the virtual book launch party at

Disclosure: I received a pre-release copy of the book to facilitate my review, but all opinions are purely my own. I share on the blog only those books that I personally recommend, so it’s worth checking out! 🙂

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Counting My Blessings: 836 to 865


“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34)

Here I go again, counting a few more of the countless gifts I am thankful to God for…

Something you’re Reading, Making, Seeing

836. The “Do What You Can” Plan.
837. Financial plans.
838. The boys and I saw a crow stealing chicken pieces from the butcher. We had quite a laugh!

One Thing in your Bag, your Fridge, your Heart

839. Emergency medication.
840. Plenty of milk.
841. Peace.

3 Graces from People you Love

842. My husband praying for a sick son.
843. Prayer support from my mother.
844. Triplets who genuinely care for each other.

Dusky Light, Surprising Reflection, Lovely Shadow

845. The foggy view from my kitchen window at dawn.
846. Jason & Judah laughing out loud, exact replicas of each other.
847. Three little heads bent down in concentration.

A Gift Held, Passed By, Sat With

848. A groggy son.
849. Poinsettia in full bloom.
850. Sitting with the family at bedtime for prayer.

A Gift Sour, Sweet, Just Right

851. Dosa batter.
852. Dates.
853. Brothers playing together before school.

3 Yellow Gifts of Fresh Mercy

854. A candle flame.
855. The ribbon holding Judah’s medal.
856. A gift for a friend’s newborn.

Something Above, Below, Beside

857. Lanterns in church.
858. A cold marble floor at home.
859. Friends at lunch.

3 Things about Yourself you are Grateful for

860. Wisdom.
861. Health.
862. Knowing my purpose.

3 Startling Graces of God

863. Life itself.
864. Strength for today.
865. How patient He is with me.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

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Five Minute Friday: Dive

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I remember well the two summers I spent learning to swim as a kid. I was quite content to splash around in the 2 feet deep kids pool, but the 10 feet deep divers’ pool freaked me out, always! The deep pool had two diving boards and whenever we had to dive, I would hasten to the lower one and quickly jump in. I found the lower diving board less threatening than the higher one! 🙂

One day, however, my coach caught up with me and insisted that I try the higher jump. I shivered and shook as I inched towards the edge of the diving board. As I hesitated there, I remember the coach asking me to step aside as he plunged into the water in a matter of seconds. He called out to me from the water below, and suddenly the jump wasn’t all that scary. I took a deep breath and plunged in. I already knew how to swim, so rising up to the surface and swimming to the edge of the pool was easy. The dive wasn’t as bad as I had feared.

I look back and realize what a wonderful analogy that is to our spiritual lives. God doesn’t leave us without help, asking us to live life on our own. Instead, He came down, became man and experienced our life. Now, He is on the other side urging us onward as we strive to live a meaningful life.

God is always around – to instruct us, teach us and guide us. His still, small voice is ever ready to whisper an encouraging thought in our minds. All we have to do is trust Him and dive in… go where He calls, speak His Word, walk in His precepts, follow His leading… Go on, dive in; live the life He wants you to live. God’s got your back!

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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #14

I rummaged around blogland to find three posts I’d like you to read. Check them out?

1. Luke Bible Study @ Good Morning Girls {If you struggle with reading the Bible consistently, this study will be of great help.}

2. The Ultimate Marriage Vow @ Time Warp Wife {21 Days to a Stronger Marriage – an ongoing series}

3. This video from Sally Clarkson – a must watch for mothers.

If you’ve read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!

If you like what you’ve read and you don’t want to miss a future post, you can sign up to receive new blog posts by email, or in a reader.

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