Counting My Blessings: 971 to 1000


* I was on an unscheduled blogging break this week… But I had to post this today as I’ve officially counted 1000 blessings since I began this intentional journey 11 months back.

Every week, I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for. Join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

3 Gifts that were Plan B’s

971. Re-planning the week after a city-wide strike was announced.
972. A blog post idea inspired by my morning Bible study.
973. Leaving my to-do list unfinished and not feeling bad about it.

A Gift at Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

974. A late breakfast with the boys.
975. Three boys focused on their plates.
976. Leftovers – something I’ll always be grateful for :).

3 Gifts White

977. This notepad where I’m typing out my 1000 gifts.
978. A card filled with names of loved ones I’m praying for.
979. This board hanging in my bedroom.

3 Gifts that Changed Today

980. The boys’ demeanor after a short nap.
981. The sun turning a bright red as it set.
982. The PowerPoint slides during worship in our prayer group.

A Gift of Tin, Glass, Wood

983. A container that holds our knick-knacks.
984. Two glasses that remain from a set of 6.
985. Our sturdy dining table.

3 Gifts before 11AM

986. Catching up on the dishes before church.
987. Preparing for an action-packed, Christ-centered Sunday.
988. Reaching church much earlier than expected.

A Gift Worn Out, New, Made-Do

989. Books the kids doodle in.
990. An iPad Mini – a gift from my husband.
991. Getting by on minimal sleep.

3 Gifts seen as Reflections

992. 3 almost-identical boys – replicas of their father.
993. My Father’s love, reflected throughout His Word.
994. Reflections of the boys climbing on the window bars.

3 Ugly-Beautiful Gifts

995. A child’s bruised knee.
996. Unscheduled power cuts.
997. A sick husband.

3 Gifts from the Past – that Help you Trust the Future

998. Hymns I learnt as a child.
999. Our wedding vows, made in the presence of God.
1000. God’s strength that has carried me this far.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

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What Mama Did

My Mother

She was my rock through a troubled childhood.
She was patient through the difficult teenage years.
She supported my decisions, when many didn’t.

She read to me as a child,
Encouraged me to read,
And spared no expense for a library membership (or four)!

She pushed me further than I would’ve like to go.
She urged me to excel,
And was so proud of me when I did.

But the best thing she’s ever done for me…
She prayed.

She prays for me, my husband and my boys now,
And I know I can count on that, as long as she is able.

Thank you Mummy, for all you’ve been to me.

Friends, won’t you chime in too? Share with us, what your mama did…


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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #20

Here are 3 blog posts that I found inspiring over the past week. Check them out?

1. You May Or May Not Get Married So Now What? @ (in)courage

2. 7 Thoughts That Will Change Your Marriage @ To Love, Honor and Vacuum

3. Preparing our Children for Real Life {a simple phrase} @ The Better Mom

If you’ve read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!

If you don’t want to miss a future post, you can sign up to receive new blog posts by email, or in a reader.

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A Visual Reminder

I can’t believe we’re almost 2 months into 2013! It seems just like yesterday that I was working on my word for the year and listing the areas I wanted to work on.

February is about that time we get a bit discouraged with ourselves. We’ve made resolutions that we haven’t had much success in keeping… Goals toward which we are making little or no progress…

Well, maybe you’ve made a lot of progress in your goals over the past month. But I haven’t :). And that’s why I needed a visual reminder. Something to remind me everyday what I need to focus on.

Vision Board

I made this board early last month and hung it prominently in my bedroom – on a wall I see early in the morning and late at night. It was pretty easy to make – and believe me, I am definitely not the creative/crafty type {isn’t it obvious?!}. I simply took an old cardboard wall-hanging, covered it with white paper and used brightly colored pens to write down my focus.

A bit about my board:

  • Health: Last year our family went through several bouts of sickness that wore us all down. This was a reminder to pray that my family would remain healthy this year.
  • Persevere: My one word for this year and the areas I needed to concentrate on (Prayer, Fitness, Home).
  • Fruitful: This is the prophetic word we received from our church for the new year. Something I need to be constantly reminded of, especially on days that I feel unmotivated.

I love that when I sit down to pray, this board stares me in the face. I cannot but pray for God’s help to keep me going this year.

Do you have a visual reminder of your vision, or a favorite verse perhaps?

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Seasons of Motherhood: The First Year

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


A time to be born…

A time for dirty diapers and a time for toothless smiles.

A time to roll over and a time to fall off the bed.

A time to try solid food and a time to spit it out.

A time to sit up and a time to slip down the couch.

A time to crawl and a time to pick the tiniest speck off the floor.

A time to stand up and a time to sit back down with a bump.

A time to hold on to something and a time to pull it down.

A time to play with a brother and a time to make him wail.

A time to cry and a time to laugh.

A time to gobble something up and a time to gurgle it out.

A time to hold close and a time to let go.

…And a time to be dedicated unto the Lord.

~ Inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

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Counting My Blessings: 950 to 970


Every week, I share on the blog all the good things (and bad) I am grateful to God for. Join me on this journey of intentional thanksgiving?

3 Hard Eucharisteos

950. All the boys grumpy at the same time.
951. Seeing them all cry uncontrollably.
952. Physical pain.

3 Gifts behind a Door

953. The boys playing together in their room.
954. Quiet time in my room.
955. Toys crammed inside a cabinet.

3 Ways you feel the Love of God

956. When He speaks to me through His Word.
957. When my husband shares something he’s learning from the Bible with me.
958. When I see three living, breathing boys.

A Gift in Losing, Finding, Making Something

959. Losing the bitter feelings – never to be resurrected again.
960. Heart peace.
961. Making the most of a crummy day.

3 Gifts in Shadows

962. Shadows of 3 boys cleaning the house.
963. Shadows of 3 boys playing on their scooters.
964. Shadows of 3 boys fast asleep.

3 Gifts found in Giving/Serving

965. Joy.
966. Satisfaction.
967. Being of some help.

3 Gifts on Paper

968. Words in the Bible that breathe life into a hurting soul.
969. A journal to write down what God’s teaching me.
970. The weekly planning sheets on my refrigerator.

Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?

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God’s Word in My Heart: eBook Review

God’s Word in My Heart is a new ebook written by Jennifer Thorson of The Purposeful Mom. The ebook is a simple guide for parents who want to embed God’s Word in their children’s hearts. I agree with the author that, “It’s never too early to start teaching your children Bible verses!”

The book is peppered with scriptures to remind us that God will help us teach our kids His word. The book is versatile and can be used with kids of any age. The first half of the book lists innovative tips and tools to teach scripture to children of all ages (ranging from babies to high-school kids).

The second half of the book has a list of A-Z memory verses and more. What I like is that these verses can be adapted depending on the age of your child. Toddlers can learn a small portion of the verse (the essence of it), while older kids can learn the entire verse. You can also choose the version of the Bible you want to use for the memory verses.

My husband and I started teaching our kids to memorize scripture a couple of years back. The tips in this book will definitely make the process more interesting. For now, we teach our boys the meaning of the verse they are memorizing, and use hand motions to help them remember it. I’m hoping we’ll be able to use more of the suggestions in the book as they grow older and learn how to read and write.

Here’s an exhaustive list of all that the e-book offers:

  • Ideas for teaching Scripture to your children, from the baby on up
  • List of Songs and other Go-Alongs for learning Scripture
  • List of specific songs that go with the memory verses
  • Printable Scripture memory verses for use at home, school or church
    • ABC Memory Verses
    • Verses on Sin and Salvation
There are three versions of God’s Word in My Heart available:
  • KJV (King James Version)
  • NASB (New American Standard)
  • Variety (ESV, NIV 1984, NASB, NKJV)

For just one day (February 14), the ebook is priced at $1.99 only. The regular price is $3.99. Click here for more information about the book.

I pray along with the author that you and your children will take joy in hiding God’s Word in your hearts.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of the ebook from the author to facilitate my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.

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Top 3 Thursday – Edition #19

Since it’s Valentine’s day and all… here are 3 blog posts about love. Check them out?

1. How I Know She Loves Me @ Roo Mag

2. How to Start a Small Kitchen Fire @ The Time-Warp Wife

3. 14 Ways to Demonstrate Love to Your Child @ I Can Teach My Child

If you’ve read or written an encouraging blog post during the week, share the link in the comments below. I’d love to check it out!

If you don’t want to miss a future post, you can sign up to receive new blog posts by email, or in a reader.

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Read more Books!

I’ve always loved reading, but I’ve never been intentional about the books I read. I read just about any interesting book that came my way. I soon realized that I didn’t have time to read ALL the books in my Kindle library. I had to choose the books I wanted to read – books that would enrich my life.

This year, I’ve decided to read books that will help me improve in the areas I am working on. Specifically:

  • Prayer
  • Home Organization
  • Fitness

Whenever I come across a good book that falls in these categories, I add it to my to-read list. Every month, I include one or more books from this list in my monthly goals, so I’m motivated to read them.

Here are the books I’ve picked up till date. I’m sure I’ll be adding more to this list in the months to come.



Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home

Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge

Home Organization:

Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living


42 Days to Fit: A realistic diet and exercise challenge to help you get fit…and stay fit for life!

I try to pick up good Kindle books when they are available for free. Click here to find websites that publish lists of free Kindle books on a regular basis.

I know most of you would love to read but can’t find the time. Here’s a post that lists 15 ways to fit more reading into your day.

So, my suggestion is this. Take some time to list out specific areas you need help with – Leadership, Planning, Marriage, Parenting, etc. When that is done, find a good book on each of those subjects and devour it.

If you’re really short on time, I encourage you to start with your Bible. There’s no better way to enrich your life :)!

What’s on your reading list this year?

If you like what you’ve read and you don’t want to miss a future post, you can sign up to receive new blog posts by email, or in a reader.

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God’s Hedge Around Us

Fence Line at Sunset

Psalm 139:5 has been running through my mind all day. I looked it up in various translations and here’s what I found:

You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. (NKJV)

You hem me in – behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. (NIV 1984)

You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. (NASB)

You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. (NLT)

I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too—your reassuring presence, coming and going. (MSG)

All the versions have the same underlying meaning (obviously!). God hems us in – surrounds, encloses and places a hedge around us. He protects us.

When I think about the things I fear, this verse comes to my rescue. God has hemmed me in – behind and before. He has placed a hedge of protection around my family.

According to the Geneva Study Bible, this verse also implies:

You so guide me with your hand, that I can turn no way, but where you appoint me.

I love knowing that God’s hand is always around me, nudging me to move in the direction He has planned for me.

What is our responsibility in all this?

  • Simply trust that God has hedged us in.
  • Stay connected with God, so we can feel His nudging.
  • Live in such a way that we do not leave the gate wide open for evil to enter.

If you feel vulnerable and unprotected today, pray. Ask God to cover you with His arms and protect you from what you fear. And then, rest in the assurance that God is in the business of mending fences, no matter how mangled.

Photo Credit: BFS Man


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