I came across the following image on Peak313’s Facebook page a few months back.
This page from John C. Maxwell’s book basically drives the point that we need to place a higher priority on growth rather than goals.
I am a huge fan of goals. In fact, for a year and a half I set monthly goals and spent my days working to achieve them! But over the past few months I’ve let that habit slide.
If you look at the last set of goals I made in June this year, I did strike out a few of them – my Bible studies, purging the kids’ clothes, walking, and my reading. But a few of them still remain undone {It’s been 4 months and I’m still plodding my way through the book of Exodus!}.
One area I feel badly about is this blog. I used to have a weekly blogging goal that looked something like this:
Monday – Counting my Blessings post
Tuesday/Wednesday – A good content post
Thursday – Top 3 Thursday post
Friday – 5 Minute Friday post
I haven’t followed that schedule in at least 6 months! I don’t think I’ve ever been this inconsistent since I started blogging. I have about 30 blog posts in the draft stage, but I simply lack the time and mental clarity required to edit and publish them.
Some of my old goals don’t make a lot of sense anymore.
I love this quote from Holley Gerth’s ebook, “Do What You Can” Plan:
“What’s necessary is realizing that goals aren’t ultimatums; they are simply directions. We are in charge of them— they’re not in charge of us. Goals can be changed, adjusted, or dismissed any time we’d like or as soon as God shows us that it’s time for a switch.”
So, I’m learning that it’s okay to not meet my own goals sometimes. Seasons change, life happens… It’s okay to discard old goals, make new ones, or not set goals at all for a while.
True, goals are important in life… but growth matters more. We need to grow, mature, improve in all aspects of life. We cannot let the inability to meet our goals hinder our personal growth. We cannot afford to become stagnant.
I have a bit more to share on the topic of growth, but duty calls :). I’ll post the rest in another post {hopefully} next week.
I encourage you to think about this today:
Are you goal conscious or growth conscious? In what areas of your life do you need to grow?
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