Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Thank You

Five Minute Friday

Thank You

Yesterday’s prompt for the One Thousand Gifts Joy Dare was “A Gift Grateful”. Several things rushed to my mind – I’m grateful for God’s grace, family, friends, provision, protection, health… But I had to pick just ONE thing. As I racked my brain, it suddenly clicked. I knew the ONE thing I was most thankful for – it was simply knowing Jesus.

So often I take my relationship with God for granted, not realizing that millions around the world still do not know Jesus. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Him personally and experiencing His presence in my day to day life.

I remember all that Jesus has rescued me from and my heart leaps. So, this is just me saying, “Thank You, Jesus”.

I was lost, You found me.
I was alone, You stood by me.
I was struggling, You helped me.
I was drowning in sin, You lifted me up.

I was confused, You gave me peace.
I was broken, You made me whole.
I was hurt, You comforted me.
I rebelled, You patiently led me back.

I was anxious, You gave me Your Word.
I was selfish, You opened my eyes to a love that gives more than it gets.
I wanted to have my own way, You taught me to seek Yours.
I was dead spiritually, You brought me back to life.

I would have died and gone to hell; Your sacrifice on the cross bought me life and a place in heaven.

For all this and so much more… Thank You, Lord.

If you had to pick just ONE thing you are thankful for, which would you choose?

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Five Minute Friday: Stay

Five Minute Friday


His time on earth had come to an end. We gathered around him – four generations blessed by his life. Prayers were said, tears were shed. His body was present, his soul was not.

A doctor, evangelist, prophet, church-planter, leader, preacher, pastor, teacher, father, friend, grandfather, brother, uncle, great-grandfather – he was all that and more. Several recounted their cherished memories of him. He was wise, witty, stern, passionate, disciplined, generous, kind and no doubt, respected by all.

I remember the conversations I’ve had with him, sitting at the dining table while he sipped his coffee. A teenager seeking simple answers to complex questions. What is grace? How did you know that you loved my grandmother? He answered them all patiently, his answers logical yet heartfelt.

I kiss his cold forehead and bid goodbye, knowing he’s in a happier place. There’ll be no sickness or pain there. He’s finally home, a citizen of heaven where he always belonged. He could stay no longer here. The tears dry up as peace floods my heart.

His death has rattled our comfortable cages. Zeal to complete the work he started, fills our hearts. I hear the call loud. Will I dare to live the Stephen life? To stand alone and spread God’s love, despite the cost?

I’ll miss you, dear grandfather but not for long. The call you’ve left behind is far too strong. As long as there’s blood pumping in my heart, I’ll stay true to my calling and do my part.

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Five Minute Friday: Look

Five Minute Friday


I look, but do not see. When there are 79 things pending on my to-do list, I am distracted. I hear a faint “Mama! Look here”… “Mama! See this!”

I look up and mumble something like “Yes, baby.. I saw. It’s nice!”… But did I really see? The other two sons chime along.. “Mama! See this! See what I’m doing.” Their cries louder now… Seeking attention, seeking a mother who’s there in the room but not fully present.

I look up again and I see three eager faces; waiting for their mother to participate in their lives. A mother who is not distracted with the mundane. A mother who’s intentionally involved in their activities.

I hear a gentle voice whisper, “Go on… you can always do this later.” Which is drowned by a louder thought, “But I still have so much left to be done today!”

I’m torn, but the sight of three eager faces looking up at me melts my heart. I close the laptop, bend down and really see what my boys are up to. I feel their enthusiasm as they all vie for my attention. I pull them close, cuddle them, tickle them. They squeal in laughter. My heart is full.

Thank you Jesus, for boys who teach me to be present when it really matters.

What comes to your mind, when you think of the word “Look” ?

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Five Minute Friday: Graceful

Five Minute Friday


Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace…

I remember reading this back when I was a kid; wishing I was born on a Tuesday, so I’d be full of grace. Wishful thinking for a girl who’s been clumsy and awkward all her life. I am not graceful, and I’ve finally learnt to accept that.

What I want to be instead, is gracious, like Jesus. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that three people in our family (me, my second born and my mother-in-law) have names that directly or indiectly mean “God is Gracious”.

Having been a recipient of God’s immeasurable grace all my life, isn’t it time for me to give back? Can I be kind, compassionate, courteous and sympathetic to those around me? I want to live a life that oozes grace, that those who see it will glorify God. Easy to say, not so easy to follow, right?

I’m learning, everyday how to be more Christlike. And I fail! every. single. day. After spending an entire month learning to be gentle with my kids, I found myself yelling at them in anger just this morning. I need grace, just like you do.

But just because we’re constantly failing, doesn’t mean we give up or give in to our weaknesses. We will try again… and again… tomorrow, today, the next hour, the next minute… And each time we dust ourselves off and attempt to imitate Christ yet again, we realize we are one step closer to being gracious like Him.

What comes to your mind, when you think of the word “Graceful”?

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Five Minute Friday: Connect

Five Minute Friday


How does an introvert connect with other people? She probably started off dreading it, choosing instead to stick to the few people she had learned to trust over the years. She then married a man who constantly pushed her out of her comfort zone, encouraging her to meet new people and keep in touch with those she was already acquainted with. Taking it a step further, God decided to bless her with triplets; thereby making her the center of attraction wherever she set foot. That which she feared had come upon her :).

She was privileged to have friends who were patient with her; as she took several months, maybe even years to open up with them. Eventually God led her to the blogging world, where she met many kindred spirits who inspired, encouraged and advised her. She soon realized that God wanted to use her to encourage others who where walking the same path she had walked.

God started working in her, and she finally figured out that her husband had a point. How could she reach people with God’s word if she didn’t connect? Thus began the slow unraveling of the cocoon she had secreted herself into. And God shows her everyday that the more she connects, the more she lets God use her to bless those around her.

What comes to your mind, when you think of the word “Connect”?

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Five Minute Friday: Beyond

Five Minute Friday


When I saw the writing prompt “beyond”, this old song by Jim Reeves started playing in my head…

Across the bridge, there’s no more sorrow,
Across the bridge, there’s no more pain;
The sun will shine across the river,
And you’ll never be unhappy again.

All the mindless violence that has been happening around us the past few weeks {the incident in Assam and the shooting in Colorado, just to name a couple}, has left me wondering… Will there ever be a time when such mindless acts cease to be committed? From gory slaughters because of family feuds in south India, to terrorist acts in dozens of countries, our world has ceased to be a place of peace.

What about those of us who believe in Christ? Don’t we too deal with difficulties in our daily lives? We endure pain and hardship and get through it; we grow closer to God and enter a place of rest – only to start climbing the next mountain, or face the next battle. It reminds me of Jesus’ words…

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Well, He basically says that in this world we WILL have trouble. Where then, lies our hope? In Christ alone! When we believe that Jesus, the Son of God, gave His own life to pay for our sins, we receive full pardon; when we choose to follow His ways, rather than ours; we have a hope beyond this world.

The hope that one day we will meet Him face to face in heaven. The hope that one day, there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more violence and no more sin. There is a beautiful world God has prepared for us, just beyond this life we’re living.

And that gives us added responsibility. Can we gather as many people as we can, to meet with us on the other side? Do we choose to share our own experience of life in Christ to the millions around us who are lost and hurting? Will we share with them the hope that we’ve found in Christ?

What about our own lives? Do we choose to live in Him now, so we can be with Him in our life beyond?

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Five Minute Friday: Enough

Five Minute Friday


“I’ve had enough!”, I whisper, as tears stream down my face. I’ve had enough of boy fights, temper tantrums, dirty diapers, messy floors, soiled clothes, scribbled walls and a very loud, rickety washing machine. That my friends, was my cry – just a few short years ago.

I’ve found over the years, that the best place to cry is at His feet. When life overwhelms me and I’m a blubbery mess of tears; where else can I release myself, but in His open arms. And when I do, my Father doesn’t stay silent. He whispers back. While the tears fall, I am overwhelmed by His grace as He gently reminds me. “Sheena, I am more than enough for you“.

I pause uncertain, and search my heart.

Boy fights… I recognize what a blessing my boys truly are, in spite of their unruliness.

Temper tantrums… Are the boys’ tantrums any different from mine, when I insist on having my own way?

Dirty diapers… What about the fact that we could afford diapers at all?

Messy floors… A sign of life with three little boys at home.

Soiled clothes… Proof that our independent sons think they are old enough to get by without help.

Scribbled walls… Can be cleaned with a little elbow grease.

And the rickety washing machine… Still does its job pretty well!

And I understand… all it took was a change of perspective. At His feet, He makes it clear to me. He reminds me that in Him, I have everything I need; for He is more than enough for me.

And I whisper back, no longer in tears… “Lord, I thank you for Your grace – You are more than enough for me.”

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Five Minute Friday: Risk

Five Minute Friday


I’m the last person on earth who should be writing on risk. I could finish up this post with just 4 words:

Don’t take risks, ever!

Yup! That’s me.. the boring, predictable, planned, organized, it’s-too-risky-to-take-a-risk person. But I know that isn’t the way I want to live my life. That isn’t the way God wants me to live my life.

Isn’t the Bible filled with people who took risks and survived?

Abraham left his hometown and became a nomad.

Moses agreed to lead a crowd of Israelites out into the wilderness.

Daniel prayed.

Even Peter stepped out of the boat {not a very good example, but still makes the point}.

And if I may add… My husband and I took a risk when we refused fetal reduction {which would have killed one of our babies, giving the other two a better chance of survival}. We had no idea how we would provide for all three of them, if at all they survived.

And yet, there’s proof that when we obey God and take a risk, He takes over.

Abraham became an epitome of faith.

Moses led his people to freedom, and closer to the promised land.

Daniel did not become the lions’ dinner.

Peter built the church of God. {…after he got a lesson on faith, that we still learn from, thousands of years later!}

And all my sons are alive and well-provided for.

As much as I hate taking risks, so many times in life I have had to do just that. But I’ve learnt that when we do step out in faith and trust God; He never lets us down.

When we obey God and take a risk, He becomes our safety net.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Will you obey God today, and let Him be your safety net?

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Five Minute Friday: Path

As I mentioned in my previous post, every morning, the boys and I walk a short distance from our home to the main road, where the school bus picks them up. It’s just a short walk, but on a pretty bad road.

And by “bad” road, I mean almost “no” road. The path is stony, littered with garbage, leaves, and other things I’d rather not mention :). So, walking this path with 3 sons has become a bit of a nightmare for me. Over the years, the boys have had quite a few falls on this road and too many bruises to count.

As a mother, I keep reminding them, to look where they’re walking and to keep to the sides of the road. How I wish I could smoothen the path for them… The’ll never have to fear a fall. And even if they do, because the path is even, they won’t bruise their knees. Well, a mother can wish…

But there is Someone who promises to do just that…

“…I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.” (Isaiah 42:16)

“I will go before you and make the rough places smooth…” (Isaiah 45:2)

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)

The question is… Do I follow in my Father’s footsteps? Do I walk in the path He’s plotted for me? Do I listen to His gentle rebukes when I go wayward?

I strive to walk the path He’s set for me, conscious that if I ever do stumble; He’s right there to keep me from falling.

What comes to your mind, when you think of the word “Path”?

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Five Minute Friday: Expectation

What dream has God planted in your heart?

I came across this question in my Bible study today, and I had no answer for it. None. Na-Da. Zip. Zero. Absolutely no answer.

Truth is that, even as a child, I was always a dreamer. I had big dreams. I was going to travel the world. Rescue dogs. Help the underprivileged. Rise to the top of the corporate ladder. Work with special needs children. Work in a skyscraper. Did I mention, I wanted to travel the world? Oh yeah, I was going to save up enough to travel “around the world in 365 days”. That was probably the biggest dream of all.

And then life happened! Apparently God’s plans for me included a loving husband and adorable triplets who’d turn my life right side up again. Ummm… and they’d never made an appearance in my dreams before :).

God wasn’t kidding when He said “..more than you can ask or even think of..”. So now, I am waiting.. Waiting in expectation for a dream that is more than I can ask or even think of. I still have a lot of those dreams I had as a child. But I’m older and wiser now. I realize that His thoughts are higher than mine will ever be. If my thoughts hit the roof, His will reach the heavens! That’s awesome, right?! 😀

So, whether I do get to travel the world or not, I know that my dreams for myself pale in comparison with God’s dream for me. And when those dreams come true, I know I will be blown away.

And so I wait… with bated breath… in expectation… God’s gonna blow my mind off with His plans for my life. And while I wait, I live. I live this life, with this family, making a home, teaching my sons, serving my husband, building a deeper relationship with my Father… My expectation doesn’t create a vacuum. It makes me appreciate what I have now, and it gives me hope… A glimpse of something greater to come.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

What dream has God planted in your heart?

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