Why do we end gatherings with a vote of thanks? We end a day, a month, a year with a word of thanks – gratitude for all God’s done for us in the days gone by. But, what if…
What if we started our day with thanksgiving? If we began each morning with praise? If we looked each day for things we can be thankful for… wouldn’t we find them, everywhere we looked?
I’m counting my blessings as a part of June’s Joy Dare at A Holy Experience.
3 Gifts Orange
184. Trays holding 5 dozen eggs in our kitchen.
185. Orange chalk.
186. Drinking orange soda with our prayer group family.
3 Gifts Funny
187. Travelling 90 minutes on a circuitous route to a venue we didn’t realize was only 30 minutes away! LOL!
188. Shoppers at a mall watching in amazement as our triplets filed out of the car, one after the other… Their reaction was hilarious! 😀
189. Jon raising his toy car up to the night sky and shouting, “Jesus, see my new race car!” 🙂 {Not exactly funny, but a million dollar, melt your heart, smile all night – moment}
3 Gifts from Today’s Conversations
190. Hugs.
191. Laughter.
192. Burdens shared.
3 Gifts found in Christ
193. New mercies for today.
194. Bright hope for tomorrow.
195. Pardon for sin, every single day.
A Gift of Peace, of Hope, of Love
196. Morning time (before the kiddos wake up).
197. 7 Days of Hope for Moms.
198. My husband urging me to rest awhile.
3 Gifts Ugly-Beautiful
199. A broken hair clip.
200. Toothpaste squeezed out in the bathroom sink.
201. Sore limbs.
3 Gifts in what you Read
202. “…yet not my will, but yours be done…” (Luke 22:42)
203. This blog post on large family moms.
204. Burnt Happens – a post on mistakes and learning.
3 Gifts Empty
205. Gift bags.
206. Chocolate wrappers.
207. The washing machine.
3 Gifts that made you really Smile
208. The memory of Judah peeping out the car window at the heavens, saying, “Mama, see! Jesus is looking at me. Jesus is opening the curtains and looking at me”. And when I respond, “Where baby? Where are the curtains?”, he promptly exclaims, “There.. see.. Jesus is opening the clouds and looking at me..”. {Precious :)}
209. Our sons praying for their father who wasn’t feeling so well. “Jesus, please heal Dada.. Let him go to the hospital.. !!” LOL!
210. A glimpse of monkeys, eating bananas, in our kitchen!
A Gift at 8, at 12, at 2
211. Father and sons, all cuddled up together.
212. Prepping vegetables, to make cooking the rest of the week easier.
213. Folded laundry, finally put by.
3 Gifts Painted
214. The sons’ hand prints.
215. Our crayon-colored walls.
216. The bright yellow school bus that ferried my sons, on their first day of kindergarten.
Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?