Amid the chaos that’s been life for the past few weeks, counting my daily blessings is what keeps me sane. When life starts to overwhelm me, this list reminds me that it’s the little things that truly matter. So, I count on… one thing at a time; thanking God for the simplest blessings that brighten up my day as part of May’s Joy Dare.
3 Gifts inside a Closet
112. My wedding shoes.
113. New toys saved up for later.
114. Five bags of outgrown clothes to be donated.
3 Gifts found in the Dark
115. Peace and tranquility.
116. A moment to enjoy the cool evening breeze.
117. Silhouettes of my family as we wait out a power cut.
A Gift Outside, Inside, Upside down
118. Clothes drying on the clothes line outside.
119. Husband working from home.
120. Our room as we pack for a vacation.
3 Gifts about your Parents
121. My mother’s heart of service.
122. My father’s love for music.
123. The gift of life God gave me, through them.
3 Gifts held in your Hand today
124. A son who wasn’t feeling so well.
125. My handbag.
126. A coconut I struggled to grate.
3 Gifts found in your Mother
127. Her dedication to share God’s word.
128. The love she has for my sons.
129. Her willingness to help those around her.
A Gift Picked up, Put away, Put back
130. A broken toy wheel.
131. Clean, folded laundry.
132. Leftover banana chips.
Are you in the habit of counting your blessings? I mean, literally counting them 1, 2, 3… Would you consider joining me on this journey? Would you dare to live fully, right where you are?