A Habit A Month: April

Our kids are on their summer vacation. No school for another 2 months; no dragging the kids out of their beds at 7:30AM and no rushing out of the house in a hurry with one or more disgruntled kids in tow! Happy days are here again…. Umm… Well, not quite!

I haven’t exactly been the happiest person on earth, since the holidays started. Our schedules have changed, our routines are messed up and nothing has been going as I originally planned. With the kids at home all day, chaos and confusion reigns; not all the time, but just enough to drive me crazy. It has taken me a few days to even find my bearings, and I am constantly on the verge of insanity.

I am not very happy with my behavior and I realize that my kids deserve better. They need a mother who is fun to hang out with, kind, compassionate and gentle with them. A mother who is not constantly yelling at them – reminding them (not so gently, I must add) that it’s not nice to whine and throw tantrums. When I found myself losing my calm every half hour or so, I realized I had to do something about it.

And so, this month I am going to make it a habit to treat my kids gently. I might end up being overpowered by my 3 rambunctious boys, but I want them to like spending time with me at home. I have also been reading The 5 Love Languages of Children and I’m learning so much from this book. In April, I hope to implement some of the principles I’ve learnt; and treat my kids with the kindness and gentleness that they deserve. Hopefully, by the end of this month, I would have made it a habit; and May will go by much smoother.

I will be also be learning from the Gentleness Challenge that Courtney from Women Living Well posted on her blog in January. I have to work to keep the balance between treating the kids gently, and disciplining them with love when they disobey.

Would you believe, that twice last week God used the same portion of scripture to convict me on how I treat my children. The first time, it was during my Good Morning Girls Ephesians Bible study and the second time, it was through our pastor in church on Sunday. Don’t you just love it when God brings the same thing to your attention through various means?

“Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord… give up threatening and using violent and abusive words, knowing that He Who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no respect of persons (no partiality) with Him.” (Ephesians 6:4,9)

I am ashamed to admit, I have threatened my sons on more than on occasion. I agree however, that disobedience should have consequences. This month, I will strive to correct my children when they do wrong; but still show them that my love for them is unconditional, irrespective of their disobedience or bad conduct. It may not be easy, but I believe God will teach me how to be a better parent.

On a related note, Anna from Feminine Adventures is also working on just one habit a month. Head on over to her blog and check out what she’ll be working on this month.

If you like this idea, why don’t you take this up as a challenge? Focus on just one area in your life that needs an overhaul and make it the habit you want to develop this month. It could be as simple as waking up early or spending time with God everyday. This would be an opportunity for you to actually take a step forward and work on that one good habit you have always wanted to develop. Or kick that one bad habit that has always been nagging your conscience. Are you up for it? Who’s with me?

4 thoughts on “A Habit A Month: April”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful habit to implement. Definitely something I need to work on as well. I should get the Love Languages book. I’ve heard good things about it!

    1. My husband and I took the Love Languages Challenge online and found it very helpful. So glad, I got The 5 Love Languages for Children to review from Net Galley. Applying the principles in the book really works. Glad you stopped by, Kristen!

  2. I am definitely going to join you in adopting this particular habit. I have been really struggling despite my best intentions to not raise my voice and I am seen the mirror effect from my three daughters. Problem is they only seem to respond when I shout and I’m not sure how to work my way around this. I pray for more patience and will out all my effort into it this month.

    1. I totally get what you are going through. I’ve been working on not raising my voice at the kids and it is not easy. I used to think, the kids won’t listen to me until I raise my voice. But after a week of not yelling, I’ve found that they listen and respond better too. Praying that God will bless your endeavor!

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